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Regressor Instruction Manual Chapter 1012

You reap what you sow (19)

As always, a brilliant sunset began to envelop the space.

The trail of beautiful sunset light spreading gradually was a sight that seemed like something I had seen in a dream, but what was more unreal than that was that Bahamut's body was being cut in two.

It's thick, huge, and violently black body slowly splits.

He held onto the sword with both hands and showed resistance, but his ugly breath

Before he could spit it out, the sunset-colored blade finally passed through his body and reached the other side.

It was natural to hear that.

Rather than neatly cutting it, the expression that it was pressed and pushed with force would be more appropriate.

In an instant, a shock wave spread around them, and dust and debris scattered around the two.

I was puzzled for a moment at the impact, as if a meteorite had fallen, but it was not an incomprehensible phenomenon.

It wasn't just that the sword cut through the torso.

It is appropriate to say that the glow of the sunset has overcome the unclean and repulsive power of black.

Since the resistance was strong, it was natural for the conflict between forces to occur. The winner of the battle between those who tried to push away and those who tried to hold on was Kim Hyeon-seong, the lovable regressor.

[Shit! Shit! this is it! That's it! Hyunseong Ah!! Hyunseong aaaaaa!!]

'My Hyeonseong I fucking knew you could do it.'

[The bastard is cool. really! Bastard was cool! Shit!]

'I didn't ride Kim Hyun-seong's coin for nothing.

[hero! Sunset Swordsman! I believed in you, damn it!]

'Shit. this is it... This is how we use regressors!'

[That's Kim Hyun-seong!]

'We have to do this much to become regressors!'

[Hyeonseong aaaaah!!]

'Look at that dignified figure! That's our regressor!!'

The result was that his body was split, but the process was by no means easy.

[Illuwa! Ilru and Hyunseong!]

'I can see why people are so into sports. I really didn't understand it before.'

It was a story from a completely different country to Lee Ki-young, but since this is really out of reach, let's make people go crazy.

I thought for a moment about launching a sports league based on mock battles on the continent.

Maybe it's quite popular?

'My heart is beating all over.'

The feeling of wanting to dance a bit. It's not unreasonable that I'm in such a high state

Literally the only result was that he was lying down, but I knew the process wasn't easy.

It was valid that Bahamut was eaten by the Seed of Darkness, and that Draktaris and Templar Jenny were waiting for him was also valid.

If I hadn't taken out his stamina and durability in advance in the operation with noona and Jin Qing, he might not have allowed the final blow.

The difference in hair, the difference in that piece of paper that he showed through, created the current result.

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