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Regression Manual Episode 953

Mood (4)

'Busy. I'm very busy.'

There are as many as 10,000 people participating in the expedition. In fact, it is right to think that the continent's top power participates in the expedition.

Lindel's Three Guilds, the great generals of the present Republic, the famous adventurers of the Kingdom Union and Federation, the Knights of the Church and the Great Priest of the Holy See.

It's not easy to put these people in one category. Each group or adventurer has its own characteristics.

If it were an army trained in one place, the situation would have changed a little, but the characteristics of the mobilized group and individual are different.

Against this backdrop, forming an attack team is also a job, but there are no stupid people who ask what's so big about forming an attack team.

Each guild or group already has this kind of administrative processing organization or appointment.

It held it, and it was a time when its importance was becoming more and more important.

It's been a while since I left the scene, but I think I can complete the quest easily.

It goes without saying that the mind's eye and the saint's telescope is fraudulent.

Of course, what is even more fraudulent is the body's genius brain and sober thinking. Dignified conduct and charisma as a commander.

The smallest problem is that each guild and group It was that the transferred administrative support personnel looked at me not nice.

To be exact, the expression "look anxious" is appropriate.

"Next. Honorary cardinal. This is the selection of the 4th attack squad."

"Yes, leave it there. And the title is unified as the offensive operations commander."

"Yes, commander."

I don't know if it's because there are many young people, but there's anxiety in his eyes.

Of course you have to understand. The honorary cardinal has been away from the scene for a long time. In fact, the stronger symbolic image may have been one of the reasons.

Suddenly, when the saint of the continent was told that he would change the formation of the attack squad they had made within three hours, he might have suspected that I was crazy.

Aren't all these guys geniuses who have taken the so-called elite course?

At some point on the continent, there's a class of tactical analysts and combat administrators. Children who started to grow up with full support from each guild. Elite sent from each group as soon as they formed the Attack Operations Command.

'But you know what, guys?'

I'm the one who created the control tower boom. It's because of me that made the so-called high-ranking people think they should invest in you.

Until the advent of this man, Lee Ki-young, the operational system of the continent was at the level of apes.

I think why your bosses sent you to me. I'm trying to feed you my experience. Go, watch and learn, I'm sure it's sent. How can you learn anything if you keep hiding and gossiping?

"He's still changing the formation of the attack squad. I think you're working on the 4th Attack Squadron."

"We're running out of time to change it now... I'm sure the attack team will be confused. "Did I explain the scene in detail?"

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