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You reap what you sow (9)

"Leave the wounded alone!"


"Damn it! It's an order! Leave the wounded alone and move!!"

"Move you bastards!!"

Hesitant faces came into my eyes. There are also figures who keep looking back to see if their feet don't fall off.

I, who was giving orders, had no choice but to look back.

It was not easy to abandon the unit members who are unable to move under the rubble, the comrades who were rolling over clutching their faces, and those who were moaning in pain with half of their torso crushed.

We have been together for a very long time, so I can't leave them alone. But I had no choice but to turn my head and look away from them.

'Because we are soldiers.'

To be precise, we was a soldier. A soldier of the Federation, which was devastated by the recall of the 27th Corps. It was a story that could have been said a long time ago, but the Federation was still unable to recover from the damage suffered at the time.

It can be said that it is still in the process of recovery, but the Commonwealth had to give up many things in the process as well.

The country's manpower is no exception. It was a natural phenomenon that former soldiers were pushed into mercenaries. That is why... ...

'We have to follow orders.'

Just because you're a soldier doesn't mean you have to obey orders. Because we was hired as a mercenary from the Commonwealth, we had to follow orders and complete the mission.

Even if it's not us, there are many other competent and well-known adventurers on the continent. For the credit of the mercenaries from the Commonwealth spread across the entire continent, we now had to look forward, not backward.


Aaaaaaaaagh! Quad de de de de de de de deuc!

The roar continues. In fact, whenever I hear a voice, I automatically stop in my tracks.

It was one second, just one second.

No, in less than a second, more than half of the troops were swept away to attract his attention.

"Raise the shield! Lift it over the shield and move!"

"y... yes Captain Sophia!"

"Move faster if you have the time to answer,bastards! faster!"

There must be a battle going on somewhere. Although it was questionable whether it could be called a battle.

While moving troops while being hit by the debris that continued to fall on the shield, we had no choice but to keep recalling the scene from just now.

Bahamut, the monster that seemed to be born for violence, and the expedition members who were moving to deal with that monster.

bang! Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!

"in action! faster! You bastards!"

Everything is organically connected. To be honest, I had no idea what was going on, but it was an undeniable fact that all the troops in this underground vault were interacting.

I felt strange. It feels as if there is a thread hanging over them and that someone is manipulating them.

As if someone had written a script beforehand, no, as if it should be, everything is in order

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