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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1011

You reap what you sow (18)

There are always immutable laws that never change.

light and dark, dark and light

These two properties cannot coexist.

Rather, it is correct to see that they have a conflicting personality.

Of course, this formula also fits the basic laws of the continent.

Divine power affects unclean magic, and unclean magic also affects divine power.

Literally, this is the formula. Just like fire and water cannot mix.

Magic, divine spells, sorcery, alchemy, magic science, magic engineering, and various supernatural abilities that exist on the continent are studied or experimented with. A law that has already been accepted as common sense on the continent.

It was a formula established early in this world that would never be broken.

It is correct to judge that the reason the power of this giant was much stronger than I expected was because it transcended the existing laws. Isn't it a standard material that appears early in this kind of narrative that conflicting forces merge and gain new power?

'It's a cliché, it's a cliché.'

The reason why the powers that cannot coexist are naturally harmonized is, of course, that Kim Hyun-sung and I are spiritually connected.

The connection between him and me belonged to a category absolutely incomprehensible as a general formula, and stood above all other laws.

It's been a long time, but this case will prove it.

That my bond with him is above the law.

'It sounds perfect.'

The sunset-colored giant that illuminates the white darkness, the giant that had maintained its normal shape until a while ago, is starting to take shape more and more. Sunset-colored horns that look sacred, and dense, sunset-colored armor that feels like protecting the white darkness.

A handle in the shape of a snake and a long, sunset-colored sword blade extending above it.

Both of the giant's eyes were golden, as if they were proof that he and I were united.


The disgusting monster holding onto its own severed arm senses danger.

The arm that was cut off in an instant was regenerated right away, but I thought I was probably quite surprised.

It would be natural for him to be aware that the giant in front of him is strong enough to harm him.

'It just needs to match the size.'

Kim Hyeon-seong is the god of swordsmanship.

Kim Hyun-sung's rationality seems to have completely blown away, but it's not.

If we dare to judge the state of our Hyeonseong, we cannot judge that it is a puppet with self-will, a state in which fighting ability is reduced even though it has been hypnotized.

He can think for himself and judge for himself. More blindly than usual.

Huge arms pour toward the giant. The giant doesn't want to struggle.

The slanted sword swings at an incomprehensible angle and bounces off the guy's arm.

After the sound of friction like sparks was heard, what remained in the seat was an unbalanced monster, and although it was seen that it was immediately centered, the sword attack continued.

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