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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1017

You reap what you sow (24)

No, why the hell are you here?

[Lee Kiyoung junior. phew... Phew... I'm glad. When I opened my eyes, I was very surprised because it was suddenly a strange place, but I thought I came to catch it from above again!]

she's really...

[You said there were some problems with our independence. It was sorted out, but it was still annoying. Even if I don't know junior Lee Ki-young... I, in my case, had some personal debt left over and recently forgot to pay the interest. So I was really surprised!]


[root. But why am I here? This is strange.]

"long time no see."

I seemed to understand why Benigore had jumped out instead of Altanus. No, I knew for sure.

'That's right.'


'Because there is no Altanus  anymore.'

Althanus no longer exists. Because she reversed the time and disappeared, leaving only her will.

It was a somewhat disappointing result for this side, who thought that there would be an opportunity to talk with Altanus one more time.

I never thought about what to say, but I thought I had a lot to share with her.

"There was a lot to sort out... ."

There were quite a few things to ask.

It was not clearly laid out. There were so many things intertwined, to the point where I couldn't decide what to say first.

It's hard to say that it's a minister, but it seemed like I could roughly solve my curiosity through the veneer in front of me.

'I'm sure Altanus didn't bring her here for nothing.'

She still clapped her big eyes dreamily, showed an expression that said she didn't know why she was here, and made useless jokes. Whether temporary or non-temporary.

[Ah, come to think of it, Director Bell suddenly said that... ]


[Come to think of it, I think I met Lee Ki-young a long time ago. I mean this Hmm... Did that happen? I muttered, but it seemed to be in a good mood.]

For now, I had no choice but to look at Benigore, who kept muttering strange sounds.

As if she had nothing to say, I continued to notice, and the visibly lowered tension was reflected in my field of vision.


[uh... .]


[uh... That, so.]

Her face was facing this way, but her eyes were looking elsewhere. Even the sight of her gradually avoiding my eyes while blowing a whistle and muttering is spectacle.

It was the appearance of Benny Gore that I usually saw. As if a dog that had made a mistake was paying attention to its owner, Benny Gore began to check the atmosphere with all her might.

[that... eww... Because... After all, Lee Ki-young... My junior is great. Dunn... The dungeon's difficulty is higher than I thought... Yes...]


[I ... am I doing something wrong? Will you abandon me?]


[S, sorry. Junior Lee Ki-young. A.. Actually, I never expected that the work would be so difficult. therefore. that... I guess I felt like I had to do something like this... b.. But junior Lee Ki-young knows too! Anyway, the Mole Saint's cozy haven was in the process of being converted into a dungeon. If you haven't made a dungeon beforehand... more! A great threat looms! The cozy haven of the mole saint was the main narrative of this continent, so I had to solve it at least once anyway! It was a bomb that would explode someday if left untouched! that... And the timing was just right..]

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