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Returner User Manual Chapter 1048

Picnic (11)

What are you doing not chasing after her?


What are you doing, not chasing her, this guy?

"What's wrong? Elios."

you have to chase after her right away.

"No, it's nothing."

'bastard. No matter how I think about it, there isn't a single thing I like about him.'

In this era, the title of pure man was a waste.

'What on earth do you do right? What are we going to do here?'

As expected, a dry voice devoid of laughter was heard.

[ minus 5 points. I don't know what the hell he's doing. This guy has no spirit. Let me guess what he's thinking right now. There may be a risk of the continent's destruction, but that doesn't mean he can't pursue her now. Strictly speaking, just because he break up with Kiyeon today doesn't mean he'll never see her again. Since he already know everything about her, he can come find her tomorrow as well.]

Ah. yes. yes.

[That's because he himself said it was a date. he reluctantly admitted it, but since he said it out loud... . It's obvious that Lee Ki-yeon will think it's rude if he leave here now. Because in the first place, he have a personality that is inflexible and stuck in the back and forth. It means that he have to take responsibility for what he said. You can picture it just right, right?]

Yes, it seems that way to me. No, no matter who sees it, it will be like that.

If it wasn't a place like that from the beginning and it was just a place to talk briefly, you could say excuse me and then leave, but you already said this was a date. So, they think you have to keep your manners.

Elves naturally tend to be stubborn, but I couldn't help but think it was a little worse in this guy's case.

Even within the cross-racial alliance, the tendency to attach importance to principles to the extent that they call themselves conservatives is also evident in this area. Of course, he couldn't sit comfortably.

Even though his face looked as if he was embarrassed and he wanted to make a move right away, he couldn't decide whether it would be right to follow Jo Hye-jin even if it meant being rude to his date, or whether it would be right to resolve this misunderstanding later. .

'It's probably already too late.'

And if it's rude, you've already committed it.

"You're so unpleasant."


"Isn't it rude of you to think about someone else during a date?"


"How did I know? didn't you suddenly look somewhere else in the middle of a conversation? you looked restlessly, as if you wanted to go out right away. You can get the answer just by looking at it. To be honest, I guessed about half of the questions, but I'm even more disappointed that you said it was true."

"sorry. but... ... ."

"Just get up."


"Let's just get up now. Elios doesn't seem to want to be with me, and I feel a little uncomfortable spending time with you."


"Of course, I don't want you to contact me any more. There is no need to be thankful for today. If you're nervous and don't like going into debt, could you send me gold? Now that I think about it, I should have done it this way from the beginning. This would be the neatest."

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