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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 986

Altanos (23)

I looked at the hand mirror again, just in case, but nothing changed.


Thinking that something was wrong, I stared at my face again, but still nothing changed.

The golden eyes that symbolize the bonding itself and the instruction manual of the regressor have returned to their original colour.

The cool odd-eye has disappeared. There was a middle school 2 sensibility, but I still cherished it... .

'I mean, I was cherishing it... .'



'What have I ever done to you? Shit...you forget me?'

It is not unreasonable to think that.

'Are you really forgetting me? really?'


'Did you really forget? I really can't believe this.'

Of course, it wasn't that I didn't understand. Because I understood better than anyone else that it was an unavoidable situation.

Blue did not forget Lee Ki-young. In fact, it is more appropriate to say that Lee Ki-young has ever existed.

The future has changed completely,all from the beginning  until the end.

It is not even certain that Kim Hyeon-seong is a regressor in the changed world. It's because I haven't decided yet whether to bring Kim Hyun-seong back or not.

As much as I don't want to be torn apart, I think it's right to solve everything in the first playthrough, but I can't guarantee that my plan will go the way I thought.

If there is a variable, we can run the round again. If everything went according to plan... ...

'It could be that they're going through the first round.'

The 1st round without the masked hero.

The first round Kim Hyunsung is progressing as a hero of Altanus, not as a regressor of Altanus.

Many things may have changed, but the basic framework would not have changed. It is correct to think that the Continental War, the summoning of the 27th Corps, the foreign press war, etc. have been through all the big events, and now the dungeon raid is proceeding in the cozy haven of the mole saint.

The entire timeline was designed by myself. would have been maybe not sure

Kim Hyeon-seong must have experienced big and small incidents, but he is a hero who grew up with AItanus looking after him, and he must have awakened as a swordsman in the glow of the sunset while going through a narrative that I do not know now.

Maybe it's not the glow of the sunset

'no. It will be the light of the sunset.'

Because it goes well with the sunset light. I can't imagine evolving to a different route than the sunset swordsman, so this Altanus must have handled it well.

Maybe he is the Paladin of the Sunset Light. As soon as he is summoned, he will start as a warrior of Altanus... . Basically, it wouldn't have been too bad to go the paladin route.

Jeong Ha-yan and Park Deok-gu may also grow in that direction. Hayan can act as a temple mage like before...

In the case of Han So-ra, a black magician captured as a prisoner. It doesn't feel bad to go to the position you go to together if things go wrong.

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