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Regressor Instruction Manual Chapter 1030

tidying up (13)

Honorary Choo Ki-young's question that started from innocence.

Of course, those of you here were not meant to belittle. Rather, it is a situation where you have no choice but to open your mouth as if you are very happy.

At least, that was how Lee Ki-young felt. How could we not be happy that so many people came here to help with the difficult situation of the federation. The image of powerful people, including senators of the Union, trying to sweat with the workers moved the impressionable Honorary Cardinal.

was enough for

Of course, it didn't take long for that sensibility to dry up.

The bearded bandit seemed to be embarrassed by something. No, rather than being embarrassed, the correct expression would be that he was at a loss as to what to say.

he didn't want to show the bad side of the federation, so he had to say something, but he couldn't come up with a suitable excuse because his head was spinning.

"therefore. Here ⋯ senators are both physical and mental... "


"He spared no support for the workers.. that.."

Is this the only thing that didn't save support for workers?

He must have realized that he had made a mistake.

"No, it's not that he didn't spare support for the workers. We haven't received support yet... No, we'll get it soon..."


"Ah. Hey, you helped me with various legal procedures."

"ah. A number of legal procedures. As for this..."

It was then that a senator slipped in.

"ha ha ha. Gregory Guild Master doesn't seem to know the details. Arose as federal workers entered the country

Are there any issues with visa issues or federal laws? We are going through various discussions in the Senate on this matter. Of course, it is still the same today."


"There are little differences in the laws from state to state in the federation... Administrative procedures are rather complicated. As you know, the guilds of the federation received the request for this dungeon maintenance project and cleanup... Since each guild is also affected by each state... We have a little bit more to deal with."


"If you had directly entrusted the request to the federal central government... ."

'They're crazy. this.'

Why leave it to the central government? You guys didn't even participate in the dungeon raid. Besides, I have no shame. Look at how he rushes at the question I threw at him without even noticing.

It was not the federal government, but the guilds belonging to the federation that the Church Bureau entrusted with the request.

As the guy said, there's no way that there weren't many issues to deal with.

Almost all guilds in the federation were involved in the dungeon maintenance project, and even that was a situation where the guild had to hire federation people temporarily due to lack of manpower.

I don't know much about federal laws, but if there were differences in the bills to be dealt with from state to state, it would have taken a lot of time to process administrative procedures.

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