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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1016

You reap what you sow (23)

"That bastard can't be it."

"huh, who are you to say that ?"

"Hyejin-!! ah. Do you know how old he is?"

"First of all, he's an elf. his  age is..."

"he's an elf, so being old isn't a problem. The problem was that he was alone until he reached that age. The dating market doesn't lie. It was released for sale because it had a defect. Not ten years, not twenty years. It has remained for sale for hundreds of years."


"Looking at it objectively, he doesn't look bad, but... It's not as good as Hyeonseong, but it's still worth watching. Admit it. But. Hyejin, That's why I'm more suspicious. Even within the kingdom, they say to get married. Don't you think that it's on the market because it's not normal for anyone to see? Why would a man with good abilities, not a bad face, and a good background still like that?"

Of course, there are special cases that can't be helped, but in the case of Elios, it was inevitable to have an instinctive intuition that it was not a special case.

It is not a subjective judgment, but an objective judgment no matter who sees it. Cho Hye-jin will also have no choice but to remain silent.

Why has he been on the market for so long? A fundamental question as to why a person who seemed so perfect had been neglected for so long.

"Because he's atrash. He might be a famous playboy in the elven kingdom."

It was when the question mark that had formed inside Jo Hye-jin was biting its tail after tail that the formal clothes were roughly organized.

"Anyway, let's talk about this a little more later."

"eww... huh. I'd love to do that. Water, of course, I'm not talking about anything serious or anything like that. I am too busy to date. Even when I was on Earth, I did things like dating to the point of getting tired of it, but now that I'm obsessed with it, it's funny and I'm just asking for your opinion.noodle... what... ."

'Oh, yes. Hyejin is right. I must be a technician at Wooshin Girls' High School for no reason.'

If he pass all the trials, I  might consider it, but for now, it's a story that's out of the question. Executing the plans, of course, is a later task. It should have seemed like I didn't have to think about it already because there could be a situation that didn't matter even if I didn't do it... .

'Because Hyejini is precious. If I  ask noon for help, she'll make up a story for it.'

After being chanted by Jo Hye-jin once again, I  moves forward with support.

'This is more important now.'

"So, how do you go about raiding dungeons? Do you need a dress like this?"

"It's like a religious ceremony. It also has the meaning of having a formal meeting... ."

'Because people's gaze changes a lot depending on how they look at it.'

The image that has been damaged due to the color giyoung should also be washed.

Opening the Iron Maiden will clear the dungeon. It was a simple action, but I didn't want to miss such an important event with it. It was the first case in which a non-class dungeon was attacked, and it was the victory of the continent by the expedition members who achieved mythical achievements. It goes without saying that you need a story. It was necessary to finish the story befitting the myth that is passed down from generation to generation.

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