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Regressor Instruction Manual Chapter 1010

You reap what you sow (17) (illustration)


The name continued to be heard.

After that, no sound comes out. I unknowingly made an ah sound, but nothing changed.

I cough because of the dust that enters my lungs in an instant.

Even while the world was spinning, one thing I could tell was that my body was moving while being held by someone.

The abnormality in the body started to go away after I felt a cold sensation on my face,

Feeling the freshness coming into my mouth, I unknowingly stretched out my neck and began to blindly accept what came inside. My consciousness, which had been blurry, becomes clearer and I reaches out my hand without realizing it. As I involuntarily grabbed it in my hand and inhaled it, I slowly began to see the surroundings.

Priests were busy taking care of the wounded, and screams and groans could be heard from here and there.

"I'm still alive here."

"Any first aid..."

"Do you have any potions left?"

"Move quickly, quickly."

I couldn't help but realize that where I was was completely different.

'I was obviously hunting bulls until just now...'

I grab my throbbing head and think about what just happened.

Of course, I quickly nod my head. I remember that we were clearly conducting a raid. Then suddenly the upper floors collapsed and Bahamut fell.

I lost, and after that... ... .

'I was preoccupied with following orders.'

The escape operation started in an instant due to a sudden variable, just when I thought we were moving according to the route, a loud noise rang once more and debris covered the crew.


Obviously with Colonel Smith...


"Colonel Smith... Where is Colonel Smith?"

"Captain Sophia?"


"Are you okay?"

When I turned my head towards the voice, I saw the image of the member who was in act together. I got hurt here and there, but at least I'm in good shape.

"How did this happen?"

"let me report you. Captain. While on the bull raid under orders, from above..."

"I know that."

"After that, the order to retreat was given to the troops. While escaping the scene following the route from the command center, an unknown shock suddenly struck again.

"They attacked the expedition..."

"The reinforcements have come to rescue the stranded members."

"Yes, it is."

"Where is Colonel Smith?"

"You are not currently able to move. In fact, the colonel came all the way to this place carrying the captain in his arms."

'Colonel Smith...'

It seems that the connection in the federation helped once again. After showing a bitter smile, the voice came again.

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