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Regressor Instruction Manual, Chapter 1015

You reap what you sow (22)

'My babies are here.'

Kim Hyeon-seong, the first to enter with a crackling sound, was staring this way with a blank face reflected in my field of vision.

Are you trying to say something? The guy who opened his mouth finally said nothing.

I couldn't help but looked his way.

Seeing his emotionally-soaked face and those clear eyes already trying to make a difference, I felt apologetic for some reason.

"Ki... Kiyoung..."

It's probably a sore throat. Of course, he didn't finish his speech properly.

It was because the blue guild members rushed in in an instant before he could finish his words.

"Brother? Brother... Did you wake up? My brother woke up! I didn't mean to worry about that! No, what a person!"

"Deputy guild master!"

"How are you feeling?"

'If anyone sees it, they'll think I passed out for five years.' 

"Deputy Guild Master Wait..."

"Wait. Let me check the condition."

It would be an appropriate expression to say that something is new. I've heard voices every time, but it's been quite a while since I've actually seen a face.

I don't know if it's because I've been to a social church once, but I feel strangely welcome.

I feel relieved... I was worried about Jang-nae, who seemed a little overexcited, but fortunately, thanks to Elena and Seon Hee-young, I was able to avoid being buried.

"Fortunately, you look fine. It's true that you still need to rest more, but... that..."

"Boda Joe, could you calm down a little? I understand everyone's feelings of joy, but... ." 

The voices coming from all over the place are definitely starting to become more frequent. It was only now that they seemed to realize that they were in front of the patient.

"Deputy guild master? How are you feeling?"

After the traffic control was over, the first person to talk to me was Jo Hye-jin. she immediately opened her mouth at the first word she said with a worried face.

"w... well. I don't think I'm in such a bad condition... It just seems like the usual."

I'm not in a good mood because of the news about you and Elios.

Next is Kim Ye-ri, muttering.

"are you okay. because it seems like you are. I'm glad."

Gently stretch out my arm and stroke her hair.

"what. what are you doing."

I can see her shaking her hand as she says.

Let's be honest kid. I've heard all about you crying.

Starting with the grudge members of the guild, they greet each other in turn, tell them about their current situation, and start asking various questions.

It is also a job to answer every single word.

I saw Kim Hyun-seong talking to Alps from behind. After a while, I could see her bringing something to eat.

"ah. I see. Brother, you didn't starve for five days. b.. But I think the food was a bit poor."

"Eating more than this will put a strain on your body. first... ."

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