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Returner User Manual Chapter 1072

Picnic (35)

"why are you like this?"

" Kiyoung, it's not worth listening to any more."


"I was wondering what kind of bullshit you were talking about..."


"really. It did. You guys have always been like that."


"Selfish, self-interested bastards."

"calm down.  Hyunseong"

"This is not a situation that can be calmed down, Kiyoung. These people haven't changed anything. Please don't answer any more. It was my mistake to summon Chanelia Hermes in the first place. I also let my mouth around..."

"Why are you doing this? Just calm down and listen to the rest of the story..."

"Is it because they recreated the regressor?"

Of course, it is true that she pushed Kim Hyun-seong's seizure button. This is because Kim Hyun-seong was showing extreme resistance to the word regression itself.

Considering how hard he went through the first and second rounds, it's not unreasonable for him to think that way...

Still, didn't the current Kim Hyun-seong interpret the situation of regression in a positive way? someday.

'I will buy something rare for you.'

Weren't you thinking that?

"No, the sword spirit of the sunset. I understand that you are angry, but I would like you to know that the Rohen Continent received the consent of the returnees before carrying out the plan. Negotiations had already been completed in advance, and there was no backroom dealing during the process. With appropriate support..."


It was all a plan that went through formal procedures, and I can show you solid evidence of this. Sword spirit of sunset light. I can guess why you are angry. Also, we fully sympathize with the abnormal regression process that has unfolded on this continent.If I could convey an apology on behalf of 's will, I would like to convey it."

'Is that enough now?'

You didn't force them to return.

However, this is probably not the point that Kim Hyun-seong is angry about.

'Is it because you're worried about your brother?'

Naturally, Kim Hyun-seong's gaze stayed in this direction.

Kim Hyun-seong, his one and only friend, would never have been here if it had not been for coincidence, the miraculous victory achieved after repeated sacrifice and resurrection, overcoming adversity, and much suffering.

The victory of the saint of sacrifice and resurrection and the swordsman of sunset was not a victory that could be expressed simply as the two joining forces to drive out the foreign forces. Although it was a splendid and sacred victory on the outside, the battle across the firing line left behind several side effects.

The body of the saint of sacrifice and resurrection became exhausted day by day, and he had to acquire amnesia as a side effect. Didn't he even fall once? Considering that Kim Hyun-seong even attempted an extreme choice at the time...

'It won't be a glorious victory for this bastard'

For some, this narrative is by no means a glorious victory, but rather a narrative they want to avoid and run away from.

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