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"Well hello 7, nice to see you here." Came the suave voice in Johanna's ears as she sat in the mentor lounge, she was supposed to be doing some recon but she couldn't care less.

"4." She said, looking quite disgusted as the man popped another sugar cube in his mouth.

"Oh come on Johanna, you love me, smile a bit."

"As if I'd ever willingly associate with careers.... Finnick." She told the man who had the balls to sit next to her on the couch, she promised herself if he got even closer he wouldn't have any to flaunt anymore.

"Well." He threw a cube in the air and caught it in his mouth. "You are being a bit hypocritical, you have your own this year, the headless cavalier's children, 7's careers, fitting name from what I saw, marvelous if they are anything like their father."

Johanna was not even born with the male victor won his games but it was like almost a district wide phenomenon, the Capitol showing off his victory in 7's schools as a proof of how a victor from their district should look.

She still remembered the closing night of that film, she forgot the rest but that ten minute sequence was burnt into her skull.

The young, 16, looking Brent had been stabbed in the throat by a throwing star but by pure miracle he didn't die, the arterial veins weren't cut, it didn't go through, only the front and the metal kept the blood from flowing. Even in that moment of panic he didn't pull it out, using his shirt to tie his throat and the throwing star secure but despite it all he was still heavily bleeding and the careers that did this caught up with him.

She'd never admit it but she idolized the man until she met him as her own mentor, the illusion of a perfect Victor shattering. The memory of a boy that had his throat sliced open and yet fought the four careers alone and won, replaced by the image of a pathetic man that woke up screaming at night about unseen monsters.... And now she understood.... That was before he--"You spaced Johanna."

"Oh shut up, why are you even here Finnick? Don't you have Capitol dicks to suck?"

"Nah, Snow freed me from those duties for the games."

"Lovely, now speak."

"Nelson, he is in the games."

"Not my fault no one volunteered for him."

"I know I know.... I am here to offer an alliance, the main career pack might feel threatened by yours and hunt them, they could form a second pack."

"And why would I care?"

"True but I think it is a good idea, would keep them alive longer. Plus I met Paige once, she is a nice girl, a shame to waste her away." He stood. "Think about it."

Johanna thought about it but would do nothing and this time not because she didn't care to play the Capitol's game, no, this time it was because she'd let her tributes do the talking, they'd meet the others and know if they can trust them.

And Johanna trusted them more then she let on.


"In two weeks 23 of you will be dead, 1 will be the victor. Don't forget, weapons are not the only important things, you need to know to survive, the elements will kill a lot of you too. You'll have four mandatory exercises to complete but outside of that, train as you see fit for the next four days."

And with that, the tributes scattered, Marcus following his sister closely.

"What will we be doing Sequoia?" He asked.

"I don't want to show them my skills with an axe just yet. It is an underhanded technique, I know, Johanna played like that too, to win, to lie but that's not my cup of tee, for now just not showing but might if I get bored."

"Oh good idea, what about we try other weapons?" 

"True." She leaned down and whispered to him. "Split up Sapling, do what you want, look for potential allies, test things out and then come back."


She watched him go before walking to the only tribute she saw passingly before.

She leaned against the post with arms crossed, watching the boy throw his spear.

"Doesn't 4 use tridents?" She asked, making him look over and grin.

"We do, a spear is just a one pronged trident." He pulled it out of the target, a training dummy, he was blond, short hair, blue eyes, chiseled face.

"Shame, I came here to watch you throw tridents."

"Spying on my 7?"

"You could say that 4." She said.

He chuckled, offering her a hand, she grabbed it and he squeezed slightly, shaking it.

"Nelson Odair at your service."

"Paige Halavey."

"I heard of you Halavey." He let go. "7's career."

"We've met once with your uncle tho it was short and I mostly talked with him."

"Ah? I must be going insane to forget such a pretty lady as yourself."

"Not interested Odair." She held her hand up to stop his flirting, just like his uncle this one.

"Your loss." He grinned and threw the spear again. "Wanna train together?" He asked.

"Sure, I have nothing better to do."

It took a good whole hour for her to get used to this weapon, having been mainly drilled with axes, never anything else.

"They are looking at you like you are a piece of meat, those brutes, ogling so blatantly." She smacked him in the chest with the back of her hand to make him stop, looking to the right, seeing a few other careers observe her with disdain.

"I'll just make them look away." She tossed the spear a bit before throwing it at them, 1's male moved just before the spear could hit him and it stabbed into the thin walls.

"Nice throw, you have some strength in those arms."

"I might not have needed to work but trust me, my father did make me cut down those trees with the rest of the district to toughen us up, my brother and I."

"I'd fear being your enemy."

"Then how about an alliance?" She side eyed him as she asked, still looking at the careers as they glares at her before dispersing.

"How nice of you but what if I betrayed you?"

"Would you?"

"No." He chuckled. "I wanna win, fair and square."

"Then lets make a promise."


"If only the three of us remain in the end, you and I fight, you leave Marcus out of it, only is I lose to you get to fight him."

"The devoted sister you are.... But sure, nothing would be more fun then fighting you Halavey." He shook her hand again.

It seems like this first day was going well for them.

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now