-Hospital Visit-

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(Fun fact: I accidentally created a new hunger game oc and if I write her story it will be Johanna once again because I am obsessed with her. Would you be interested in district 2's winner of the 66th games: Athena Hadley, a great but dark story so be warned.)

(Fun fact that is actually sad, I didn't publish the Clove story yet)

"That speech you gave." Katniss heard the moment she opened her eyes. "Oh, man, the feels." She looked at a sarcastic Johanna, back in her grey 13 clothes. "I mean, I still have goose bumps."

"It didn't really go right."

"What are you saying? It was great, making us all feel oh so safe." She scoffed. "What about you, mockingjay? You feeling totally safe?"

"Till I got shot." She admitted.

"Oh, please. The bullet didn't even touch you. Cinna saw to that.... Of course your costume would be bulletproof." She said with a bit of bitterness in her voice. "So what are your injuries?"

"Bruised ribs, bruised lung."

"I'm surprised they haven't found you a new lung. I mean, I've got two, she's got two." She pointed to the side. "You Gale has two. Do you want one of mine?"

Katniss glanced to the side to see Paige in bed too.

"What happened?"

"She covered your body with hers, taking a bullet right above the left hip in the back, to keep you alive....I mean, it's everybody's job to keep you alive."

"Is that why you hate me?" Katniss knew she was one of the reasons Paige kept being hurt over and over, making it hard for her to get on the good side of this 7. "Because of her?"

"Partly.... You're also a little hard to swallow." Johanna walked around to room to stand between Paige's and Katniss's beds. "The whole tacky romance drama and the 'defender of the hopeless' act is just too much even though it's not an act." She kicked the bed, Katniss felt the shock go through it. "Which makes it even more unbearable and yes, feel free to take any of this personally."

"You should have been the mockingjay.... Nobody else would tell you what to say."

"But nobody likes me like they do you."

"They're afraid of you."

"Sure, maybe here but in the capitol you're the only thing that they're scared of.... Paige maybe, the loose cannon she is. She was a lot like you before this and she lost that flame so even she can't stand up to them like you have."

"Either of you would have been better, they follow what you wanted and don't order you around.

"They messed us up pretty good, didn't they?"

"You tell me." There was a silence. "2?"

"Paige." Johanna nodded towards the girl. "Snow might want to break her, he might have tried but this girl is strong, everyone, even I, fell back to cover, she threw herself over you to protect you, out under the rain, water she can barely bare to see, standing for your cause, screaming for the mockingjay... If not for her, I doubt 2 would have switched up sides, even for you."

"This alliance was only born in the 71st game."

"And yet it is powerful, born from respect and closeness between two tributes. People will say your little stunt with Rue or your sister lit the fire, I can agree, but without Paige and her games, there would have been no powder to catch on fire."

"I can believe that." Katniss nodded.

"You better."


"Gnh-Fuck." Her back was burning and it felt like she couldn't move.

"Nice to see you awake."

Paige rubbed her eyes with one hand.

"Jo." She smiled at the woman who sat on the bed.

"Yep, I'm here Paper." She gently dragged fingers through Paige's hair. "I'll always be."

"Waking up to you is great." Johanna chuckled flicking her on the nose. "Hey!"

"I'd agree but it always seems to be with you in shambles and hurt, try to do that a bit less."

"Sorry, Katniss is just too important to lose."

"Sadly I know that." Johanna rolled her eyes. "Coin should shove it up her ass and understand you are also important to this movement."

"Don't go telling her that."

"What will she do? Throw me to the mutts? She still needs me, you still need me."

"I'll always need you." Paige grabbed Johanna's hand and squeezed, making the other victor smile.

"Then I'll always be here, nothing that crazy woman can do will get me to stay away." She kissed her forehead with a smile. "We are from 7, we stick together."

"Yeah, we do."

It has been a little time since she'd seen a blush on Paige but it still made her happy to see it currently.

"Scoot over."

Paige carefully did so, not wanting to hurt herself more and Johanna sat near her, bringing her legs on it and crossing them at the ankle, side hugging Paige.

"That's better." She said with a grin which the younger echoed as she snuggled into her side.

Oh how Johanna wished that there wouldn't be a war to lead and that they could stay like this for a long while.

Even so, she'll make everything of their time together, she didn't like thinking about this but she knew there was a change that one injury on a random day might be what signs away either of their life and lead them to their death.

Johanna was acutely aware everyone, no one or a few of them could die at moments notice, since after all, she is a victor, she went through a game, and in games these are the rules just like in war, that someone could die in a second while never knowing what happened to them.

She looked at Paige, terrified almost daily that she'll lose her but this was the last straight line, soon, all they fought for, will bear its fruit and then all will be done, over and the Capitol will fall.

Johanna can't wait.

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now