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(Fun fact: This book started and ended with the same word, not counting the titles.
So the story officially ends here but I will write a few other chapters that will all be titled Epilogue and then a number but this is the official end, thank you for reading, if you want to read what really happened in the 74th hunger games that Paige mentored check out 'star crossed' when I'll publish it or if you want another Johanna story, check out 'stone and lumber', welp, I'll leave you to read, byeeee.)

Page stood with all the surviving victors in front of Coin, she was on the elevated platform Snow looked down on them when they had done the tribute parades for the games. She stood in front of Snow, waiting for Katniss to join them.

She could still see herself on one of those chariots, with her brother, with Johanna.

The seating area was filled with people and Snow stood near a pillar down there, where the chariots went around.

"Welcome to the new Panem." Coin spoke in a mic, hands held up by her sides. "Today, on the Avenue of the tributes, all of Panem, a free Panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle."

Paige glared ahead, watching Katniss approach on the avenue as drums played.

"We are gathered to witness an historic moment of justice. Today, the greatest friend to the revolution will fire the shot to end all wars. May her arrow signify the end of tyranny and the beginning of a new era. Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure."

She nocked an arrow, aiming up.

Paige closed her eyes but she only heard gasps and a familiar laugh.

She looked down to see, Katniss's arrow touched Coin right in the heart.

"What the...." So she must have known that Coin was up to something, it was visible, that woman would become the next Snow.

The crowd roared up in anger, rushing past the archer and toward Snow, pushing the victors around, mobbing the whole avenue.

A hand grabbed Paige, dragging her out of the crowd.

"I think this is our signal to scamper." Heymitch said, the victors having basically grabbed on each other and pulled themselves out of the crowd and to a quieter side.

The eldest victor looked at all those that remained, all younger then he was by at least a decade, even Beetee.

"Our war is over, let the big shots deal with this, it is time for us to lay back and enjoy our lives."

Paige wanted to deflate, was it really over?

She looked at the sky, taking a deep breath.

"You can rest now, Marcus." She whispered, a tear escaping from her eyes.


Unlike before, the train ride was not filled with dread or sorrow for future or past.

It was.... Calm.

Paige sat, looking quietly out the window, not even realizing the train slowed to a stop until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"We are here Paper, we're home." She looked at Johanna, standing. "Ready?"

She took a deep breath, nodding, walking towards the door that glided open, blinded for a moment as the sun shined in her face.

Slowly she dropped her hand.

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now