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Paige was yet again in a very similar dress to the chariot parade but this one was more copper over all.

"You look perfect Marcus, you know how to win them over, you'll be fine." She reassured.

"Jeez Sequoia, I am 16, I know how to please the Capitol." He chuckled, unlike for the other tributes, they were having his interview before his sister to build on their sibling love, showing the little brother first and the doting sister after, Johanna had been quite hungover today so she didn't even speak to her, it was actually 12th's mentor that had come up the to siblings and fed them the info, which was appreciated.

"Abernathy?" She said, her brother going out to a roar of cheers, waving with both arms as she looked at the mentor.

"Call me Heymitch, I am too old for this and too sober."

"Okay?" She muttered, never having met him on her tours with her father. "You've known Johanna right?"


"You talked to her more then us at district 7 that's for sure...." She sighed. "Do you know why she hates her tributes? Not even helping us in any way."

"Johanna is a tough nut to crack." He pat her shoulder and walked away. "You'll be fine."

"He didn't answer you at all." Jasmine said, having stayed back after her interview since she was avoiding her district partner because of their different alliances, being in a red frilly dress.

"I kind of noticed." She said, hearing cheering, noticing it was already her turn.

"Give them hell." Jasmine grinned and Paige shot one back.

She took a deep breath.

"And now, the second tribute from district 7! The second half of 7's careers! Eldest of the headless cavalier! I present to you!" She stepped out with a bright smile. "PAIGE HALAVEY!!!!" Caesar Flickerman said, all spotlights turning to the girl, making it impossible for her to see the crowd at the moment, waving and even sending a few kisses out before sitting with Caesar.

"It is amazing to have you here miss Halavey." He said as he sat too, a huge smile on his face.

"I feel amazing to be here, I honestly missed all the love the Capitol had to offer and don't tell them, but I missed you the most." She fake whispered behind her hand was but clearly heard as it was planned.

"Such praise." He grabbed over his heart. "We miss you too didn't we?" The crowd cheered loudly. "So, we have a few questions for you miss. Halavey, since we haven't seen you in such a long time."

"Oh please do ask, I feel excited just imagining what you thought up."

"Oh I love this woman!" He threw up his arm before leaning towards her. "So, I heard you volunteered this year?"

"Yes, for a little girl."

"How touching." The crowd 'awed'. "I am sure she is very grateful."

"But careful, obey your mother." She said, shaking her finger at the camera.

"That's a must of course, obedient children, and talking about that, your brother.... How does it feel to both be part of the games?"

"well Caesar my heart is heavy because I will need to say goodbye to you all." She said sadly.


"Because I love my brother more then I love the Capitol, as selfish as it is, and I'll make him the winner of the 71st game."

"Such dedication, sisterly love truly has no limits." He grabbed her hand in his free one. "Then it truly has been an honor to meet you."

"The honor is mine and please, I am still alive, I will make these games memorable."

"Then we look forwards to it!" He was excited again. "You'll go out like a shining bright star."

"A super nova you mean." She smiled.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Paige Halavey!" Caesar declared as she stood and gave a bow, waving and sending kisses as she let, the ugly and uncomfortable smile vanishing when the cameras were not on her face.

"Now that's dedication." Kai from twelve said, their stylist really not taking the time to do much, coal dust on the bodies and barely anything to cover, miner pants.

"I'll tell this everyone 12." She told him. "I know I am not going home, my brother is unless, in the final fights we'll hold if our whole pack survives, he ends up dying in the one on one match. Even then I'll make sure I am the last remaining to fight him."

"Then may the odds be forever in your favor."

"You too." And she walked away.


She cleaned herself off, scrubbing her face.

"You will peel your skin off if you do that."

"Care for someone else Johanna."

"Give it here goddammit before they accuse me of mutilating my tribute." she grabbed the cleaning patch, sitting in front of the girl and forcefully grabbing her face and wiped the rest of the makeup off for her. "There, see? Simple." She pat her cheek and dropped her hands.

"Yeah whatever." Neither moved.

"You know." Johanna started. "Your love for your brother, it make you vulnerable, people will be gunning for him."

"He is 7's career."

"He is 16 you are 18, two whole year, two extremely important years when it comes to this.... Plus he doesn't have your fire, you might make it two days."

"Jeez you a bitch."

"And you are a cunt but you don't see me complaining."

"I actually do."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

Johanna looked at her, eyebrow twitching once before yanking the blanket out from underneath her and in a swift movement stuffing the corner in Paige's mouth.

"Puah!" She stuck out her tongue, not like the taste nor that it was in her mouth. "Bitch I'll kill you."

"Grab a ticket, there is a waiting line." Johanna stretched. "But I came here to say, you did well in the interview, many want to sponsor the selfless girl."

"Wow, you finally did your job."

"Hey!" Johanna held up a finger towards her. "It's your little pack's mentors, why the hell would I?"

"Of course." Paige sighed.

Johanna stood, deciding it was the end of the discussion.

"Hey." Paige said when she was at the door.

"What?" She looked back at her.

"Be honest with me.... Do we have any chance?" She looked at her.

Johanna just wanted to tell her to fuck off but she couldn't, looking the tribute in the eyes, those dangerous blue drew people in, almost wanting to see what hides behind.

She sighed.

"You? Maybe. Him? No." She didn't want to say yes so it was maybe.

With that, she left the room, leaving Paige alone in her room, only 24 hours before the start.

Johanna looked down as the little paper with a phone number and a 'call me xoxo' on it, she felt like shit, having played into the game she refused, she crumpled the paper and threw it out, she played Snow's game and that for what? Meager money in the grand scheme of the Capitol's wealth.

One thing was sure, this would go unshared like many other secrets of hers.

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now