-Spinning Clock-

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(Fun fact: I feel like this chosen song highlights the stress in this chapter really well, the heartbeat-type beat.)

"You cut your hair before coming in here? I liked it long Jo." Paige said with a smile as she helped her wash it while Johanna scrubbed herself, it forced them to move a few times as a lot of blood came off the outfit and from the hair while Katniss took care of 'Nuts' as Johanna called her.

"I thought it would be more practical in here, to come in with short hair." Johanna shrugged. "You cut it too." Paige was standing behind her, rinsing the blood out of her hair and it still kept coming out.

"But not as much as you did."

"Touché.... Hey, I can't help but notice.... Mags?"

Paige looked down sadly, putting her hands on Johanna's shoulders and squeezing.

"We thought we'd be safe in the forest too you know.... But where we were there was this poisonous fog, we got really hurt.... I could have carried her but she already made the choice and walked into the fog to make it so Finnick could carry Peeta and then we were chased out by monkey mutts."

Johanna grabbed one of her hands and looked up at her.

"Are you still hurt?" She reached up with the other, tracing her fingers on Paige's cheek, she leaned into it.

"No, water washed the poison from our skin and the monkeys didn't get me, almost only, 12 shot it."

"I'm sorry I couldn't find you." She said, Paige let her go and cupped water again and gently splashed it on her head, it was finally starting to come out clear again and without blood.

"I wanted to look for you but I couldn't leave them." 

"I understand but now we are together." She smiled at her and Paige smiled back.

"My God, it's a clock! Wiress, you're a genius!" Katniss yelled, making everyone look at her.

12 was already pulling 3 back to the shore so Johanna dunked her whole body under water before surfacing and shaking herself out, wiping her face off.

"There, no more blood."

"Jeez Jo." Paige chuckled, wadding through the water towards the shore.


"This entire arena seems to be laid out like a clock." Katniss said as she walked ahead of the group, leading them back towards the Cornucopia, Paige once again walking last but this time with Johanna near her. "With a new threat every hour but they stay only within their wedge. It all starts with the lightning. Then the blood rain, fog, monkeys. That's the first four hours. At 10:00, that big wave hits from over there."

"Wiress, you're a genius." Finnick said as he passed her.

"Look, the tail points to 12." Katniss said, having watched lightning hit the tree before. "That's where the lightning strikes at noon and midnight."

"Strikes where?" Beetee asked, having taken off his glasses previously.

"That big tree." Paige pointed where Katniss had.

Peeta picked up a weapon and started scratching on the stone and Wiress was repeating a rhyme over and over as she sat near the edge of the stones.

"So 12:00 to 1:00, lightning. Then 1:00 to 2:00 is blood. Then fog and then monkeys." He scratched them on the ground as everyone watched him.

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