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Paige didn't know how to feel, her mind was twisted inside out since that night.

What confused her even more is how normal Johanna acted, like nothing happened, while here she was losing her damned mind.

"What do you think Paper, what will be in this quarter quell?" Johanna asked casually as Paige was having a melt down next to her, the older victor having flopped on the couch as she was reading a random book to pass the time until the Capitol TV would announce it. Her head oh so conveniently on Paige's lap and she knew what she was doing.

"I-I." She cleared her throat. "From what I gleaned, it will be something big, they need to drown out the fire Everdeen started." She said.

"But you laid the foundations, Snow thought he could use your new alliance to 2 like a marketing ploy or I have a feeling these changes would have happened earlier. Without you and your brother's respect for the tributes of your games, I feel like 12's star crossed lover act wouldn't have worked."

"So you don't believe in it?" Paige was giving them the benefice of the doubt for now. 

"Heck no, Everdeen looks like she is eating shit each time she gotta kiss Mellark."

"Oh come on, it is not that bad."

"It is!" Johanna threw the book on the coffee table, looking up at Paige. "It should look authentic for fuck sake."

"Authentic? I think it is authentic enough."

"Authentic would be this." Paige yelped when her face was grabbed at Johanna sat up but before more happened, the screen turned on with Snow on it in the foreground.

Paige quickly freed herself and leaned forwards, listening.

"Ladies and gentlemen." He started. "This is the 75th year of the hunger games and it was written in the charter of the games that every 25 years, there would be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against The Capitol. Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by games of a special significance. And now on this, the 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the 3rd Quarter Quell."

Loud cheering made him be drowned out so he stopped talking for a moment, Johanna scoffed.

"As a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol. On this, the 3rd Quarter Quell Games, the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors in each district."

Paige's stomach dropped, tuning out everything else was said as she jerked to her feet in horror.

"BASTARD!!!!" Johanna bellowed.

"Victors shall present themselves on reaping day regardless of age, state of health or situation."

Paige felt like she was suffocating.

"Paige, Paige look at m--" Paige stumbled away in a sprint, throwing the door open. "PAIGE!!!"

Paige ran, her legs burnt, her lungs screamed but she couldn't stop, blinded by tears, running for her life despite it already being sealed.

She stumbled into the forest and fell to her knees, how deep she was she didn't know, she was not deep enough.

She grabbed her throat, panting and yet felt like she was suffocated, and screamed her head off.

She could be going back in there, there was a 50/50 of her going back in there and if it was not it was Johanna.

And so, Paige screamed.


District 7 looked solemn as their two victors stood on stage with Manson.

"We celebrate the 75th anniversary...." He started. " And 3rd Quarter Quell."

Paige felt like she was dying, having long cried all the tears of her body, looking numb to it all.

"Johanna Mason."

"I volunteer as tribute." Paige butted in, arm lifted.

"Paige!" Johanna snapped with worry as Paige couldn't look at her.

"Our volunteer, Paige Halavey." Manson breathed deeply. "Since district 7 doesn't have a male winner, we'll pull for the female victors again as all districts must send two." (Blight erasure lol)

Paige wanted to cry so bad but held it in, once again, her volunteering was for nothing at all, the person she wanted to protect would be in the games anyway.

She tilted her head back and stared at the sky to hide her feelings.

"Johanna Mason." He name was read again and this time there was nothing to do.

She looked down, a tear spilling from her eyes, looking at her district.

She saw a fist lift, black hair tie around it, soon copied by everyone.

She did so too but felt like she was shattering, Johanna too joined.

That was before the peacekeepers grabbed them and dragged them on the train.

Once inside, Paige collapsed down, sitting on her ankles as she held herself up with her arms, new tears rolling down her face as she sobbed against, ugly hysterical cries.

Johanna could just crouch near her and pull her in her arms, for once, tears also streaming down her face. 

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now