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(Shitty rendition of the arena in ms paint)

(Shitty rendition of the arena in ms paint)

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Paige awoke with a jerk but she was still alive, Jasmine didn't slit their throats while she stood guard.

"Welcome in the land of the awake 7." The career smirked, sitting at the river's edge, occupying herself by making sparks with the fire starter.

"Yeah yeah, hi." She yawned. "Anything new?"

"No new cannon noises so.... No."

"Stay with Marcus and go down stream." She stood. "I'll check up stream."

"Oh yeah, 12 and 4 ey? Forgot about those guys."

"Keep him safe because I will kill you next if he even has a hair misplaced."

"I stay true to my words 7, will kill everyone and have a fair fight to determinate who'll fight your brother." Jasmine said, making light reflect off a throwing knife she was holding.

Paige nodded, grabbing her bag and walking off, she never would have dared to with 4 or 12 but this girl was also a career and she had already proven that for now, her brother was truly safe with her.

For now, out of everyone, Jasmine was the most trust worthy.


She walked up the stream, holding both hatchets tightly.

Only four, not counting Kai, none career tributes were left, Paige had a feeling these games would be much shorter but bloodier then usual games.

She heard leaves crunching, whirling around but only saw a bird.

She sighed and took another ste--Shtink.

"FUUUUUCK!!!" She screamed as she was pulled, smacking hard off the ground.


"Dammit!" Johanna threw the glass she was holding at the ground, it shattered loudly.

"Ooooh that must hurt." Finnick said with sympathy.

"That was a trap, someone built that." Enobaria added, pointing at the screen.

The tribute had stepped not only on a bear trap that would have snapped her ankle if it wasn't for a piece of wood that miraculously got trapped too, a rope had also been tied to it, it pulled taunt and yanked her up, hanging the girl upside down and at least a meter from the ground.

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now