-Deadly Forest-

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Paige not only awoke at Katniss screaming in pain but also her leg felt like it was suddenly cut off, yanking it out of a weird looking fog.

"Run! Run! The fog is poison!" Katniss screamed as she ran, Finnick instantly picking Mags up, Peeta follow and Paige did too, trying to ignore the pain of the fog on her leg as she ran.

"Come on, come on, come on." Finnick called as they ran as they could but the fog seemed faster.

Katniss screamed as a wisp of it hit her and she tripped.

"UP!" Paige yanked her, getting a good dose of it against her back as she pushed Katniss ahead, she looked at the back of her hand, blistering up all white.

"AAAAH!!!! Peeta was slower because of his near death, still hurt by the shock, also ending up tripping, requiring Katniss and Paige's combined strength to get him to stand up as they stumbled down a little hill and Paige ended up losing her grip, falling on her back and rolling down, gasping in pain.

Mags pulled herself off Finnick, seeing them all struggle.

"Mags, please, please! Come on! Come on!" Finnick tried to pick her up again but she backed away.

"Finnick!" Paige called.

"I can't carry him!" Katniss yelled in fear. "I can't carry him. Peeta, please. Peeta, please, stand up. We have to go!"

"Grab Peeta, I'll grab Mag--" Boom.

"MAGS!!!!" That told her all she needed to know, the old woman, the moment Finnick was distracted by Katniss, had giving him one kiss and walked to the fog.

"Mags!" Paige actually ran up and stuck her arm in the fog, hoping for some reason she could grab her as it washed over her, Katniss grabbed the back of her outfit and yanked her back before it touched anything else other then her torso, Paige turned around and she just sprinted before it touched anything else.

"Paige, we have to go." Finnick called despite his sadness.

"We have to get outta here." Katniss added.

It was a race they couldn't win, Paige stumbling and falling on her front next to a little pond, panting, turning to her side to see the fog stopped.

She dropped her head and laid there in agony.

It was silent for a while before there was a noise but she didn't have the strength to move.

"The water! Finnick!" Katniss said in a scream of pain as the blisters washed off in a milky white powder that clouded the water. "Grab them both."

She suddenly felt someone grab her by her armpits and pull her backwards, dunking her whole body in the water.

She screamed in pain, trashing and trying to push away as it burned, water pouring in her mouth as she fought against the hold, swinging her arm but the pain soon disappeared and relief replayed it.

She sat up panting, shivering from the pain that was just memory now, exaggerating the tremble in her hands, god she'd give her head for a drink right now.


"I'm really sorry." Katniss said, squeezing Finnick's shoulder when all had gotten rid of their fog inflicted injuries with water. "About Mags."

"She was never gonna make it.... So.... At least it was fast."

Paige knew they would now head to the Cornucopia, Peeta and Finick had left their weapons back there, she only her three of her axes, somehow losing on in the tussle with the fog.

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