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Paige shouldn't but she feel like this but she was relieved when she didn't see the familiar face of a particular boy on the screen when they showed 2's tributes.

She was still scared he'd volunteer before he was 18 and then Jasmine's memories would be lost forever.

It was so odd but the Capitol loved it, the newly born 2-7 camaraderie.

Paige had no problem playing the game since she got on well with Enobaria so on their first day at the Capitol with their new tributes, Paige had instructed them to publicly approach 2's tributes as this time they didn't look as fierce as they did the year before.

It was an instant buzz through the Capitol, 2 and 7 maybe teaming up once more, all betting to see if they'd have such show as they had with Paige Halavey and Jasmine Langre.

Despite knowing her two tributes might die, Paige still instructed them, showing them how to throw axes, gave them advise.

She even went to watch them train from the mentor viewing platform, it had a one way mirror so the tributes couldn't see them, and then would give them tips and tricks.

Johanna didn't put in as much effort tho it surprised no one, the woman was the same old stone wall when it didn't come to Paige.

"What you watching?" Paige was leaning on the railing with her elbows and hands fingers crossed.

She looked left and right, one of her fellow district 7 victor's arm was gripping the railing to the left and the other to her right.

She looked up to see Johanna already smiling at her, Paige felt a bit trapped but didn't voice it, feeling Johanna's arm press against her back from the position she was in.

"What do you think? Watching them."

"Mhm." The other said. "I really want your stylist you know? You look like pretty trees.... I always look like the tree you burn because you can do nothing else with it."

Paige chuckled a little.

"I think you look good Jo." It was a little nickname she started to use for the victor, making Johanna way more happy then she looked.

"You two should kiss you know?" Finnick Odair instantly pissed of Johanna, forcing Paige to throw her arm out in an almost one arms hug to keep the woman from blinding the male victor.

"I'll feed your entrails to jabberjays Finnick!" Johanna promised, instantly having to force herself to keep looking angry when she noticed the blush on Paige's face and not disgust, at 4's words.

"Only if you can catch me." He said, an old woman smacking with a scolding smile.

"Hi Mags." Paige said, pushing of the rail and freeing herself from Johanna. "How Annie?" She asked them both, Annie had mentored with Finnick the year Paige entered the arena as her first but her own games had affected her so much that she wasn't fit, going a bit delirious, so they brought Mags back.

"Still recovering but she is speaking again." Finnick said happily, noticing Paige's tremble before Johanna did and it pissed her off. "Heymitch is already down at the bar, you might need a drink."

He didn't mean that badly but Paige did look hurt, grabbing her arms with her hands.

"Yeah, I'll see what he thinks of the propositions this year." She quickly left with that.

Mags once against scolding-ly smacked Finnick as she followed the young woman and grabbed her arm, Paige grabbed Mags's to help her walk and walked slower so the older woman could keep up.

Finnick jerked forwards, feeling his head whip and smack in the one way mirror as Johanna shoved him against it, gripping his top so tight he hear stitches pop.

"What was that for bastard?!" She yelled at him annoyed and he held his arms up as mentors for a few other districts tried to calm the woman down.

"I didn't mean to hurt her." He said.

"Well you did anyway." She dropped him, backing away. "Fuck you."


5 and 6.... Not great odds for the evaluation but Paige didn't falter, she still encouraged her tributes.

She would always support them.

Each other their tokens when they went in? A hair tie.

She'd watch the bloodbath with intensity, even forgetting her alcoholism for those few bloody minutes, all her attention was on the tributes.

And so did the 73rd hunger games begin.

It never got easier, each time she heard that count down, that horn being blown, that cannon, memories flashed through her mind, each accompanied with a bloody ear piercing scream.

Paige whole body felt weakened from the inability to do any as the cannon of the male of 7, Conor Trek, sounded of even before the life left his eyes, throat sliced open.

That large scar on her left side would ache each time, reminding her of her own injuries, the Capitol had tried convince her to get rid of it but she never did, just like how her father had kept the scar on his throat too.

The dead tributes' faces appeared on the screen in black and white.

She took a deep breath, 7 still had a chance, the bloodbath finished and there was no second cannon.

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now