-District & Capitol-

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Paige awoke in a room so blinding white she thought for a moment this was what blindness felt like.

But when she tried to lift her hands to cover her face she found them restrained by her side.

Moving her head? No, a cold metal band around her throat too.

Shifting her legs yielded the same result, she was completely and utterly trapped in this white hell, the light, the wall, her clothes, all white.

As she came to the realization, it almost seemed like the door reacted to it, so discreet she didn't even know it was there until it slid open and an equally white dressed man entered the room.

"It having colors a crime now?" Paige asked but got no answers as she heard him click something. "Oh fancy." She said as the surface she was laying on tilted up.

Cold sweat doused her body as she sees the things in the room, a tray in a little rolling cart with many things she didn't know what they were but they didn't inspire confidence.

"Did you know of the rebellion?" His cold voice asked.

"So this is the Capitol." She breathed with a shudder, biting her tongue as he looked his tools over.

She could guess what was to come.

"Where do the rebels hide?" He said again, same monotone voice.

"I don't know." She said, it was true, she only knew there was a rebellion.

She heard a scream that came through the hallways as the door remained open.

"PEETA!!" She yelled, recognizing him despite the pain in his voice.

"Were you part of the rebellion?"

"Fuck off." She spat. "I'd never tell you anything even if I knew."

Paige could just hope her fire would hold out against what the Capitol had in store for her, nervously looking at the syringe he picked up from the tray as he approached.


District 13 was void of life.... Well not in the full sense of the term, there were people here.

But it was just blocks on concrete, even her clothes, from the boots, to the pants being dark grey and the T-shirt being a light grey, all was grey, all filled with rules, one stricter than the next.

Johanna was locked in the hospital wing for her first weeks there, the lightning blast having done more damage then she realized, her grief having surpassed the pain of the burns.

She had seen Katniss's out of self break downs, screaming and fighting against the medical staff.

She had seen Finick sob day and night when he was awake, mindlessly tying knots and untying them, inconsolable about the news that Annie had been captured too.

Johanna herself felt too numb to cry but not numb enough to stop feeling the agony of loss, stuck in the middle.

She promised to protect Paige and had failed, she got out of the arena while she left the girl in the grasp of the Capitol.

"Finnick." Katniss whispered, having been unconscious after being sedated again, laying in bed, Johanna was silently sitting in a chair as Finnick sat crying on the bed next to hers.

"I wanted to go back for Peeta and Paige, even Enobaria." He said through tears, not looking at her. "But I... I couldn't move... They have Annie, too. They took her." He repeated himself.

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now