-Marcus Halavey-

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Paige watched with wide eyes as Jasmine's lifeless body stared back at her from the feet of her fellow careers.

She failed her, she was screaming for her help and she let her die, Jasmine died while being terrified and her friend not there to help her.

"Look at that, 7, what a nice surprise." Josh said with a smile, dusting his hands off casually, walking back to his fellow careers.

"You bastard, that was your partner!"

"She stopped being that the day she accepted your alliance, you are mutts and so she died like a mutt."

Paige was debating on running at them or away from them, angry for how they took out the career she had grown fond off in the few weeks at the training center and in the games with her.


She whirled around.

"Marcus back in the--" Whooosh."-trees!!!" A trident flew by her face, feeling it slice through her ear actually but her greatest worry was the little body thrown back at the ground. "MARCUS!!!!"


"I will kill you!" Johanna grabbed Finnick by the coll, shaking him.

"I didn't train Julia, it's not my fault." And Johanna knew as she dropped him when Heymitch came in between them.

She looked back at the screen, district 7's victor would not be who everyone was rooting for.

Everyone saw the devotion of Paige to her brother and everyone wished for the little boy to come home, the Capitol loved this premise, betting on them greatly.

And now it was becoming a hellish display of cruelty that would just amuse them, the careers not finishing the girl off, watching with a smile as she kneeled by his side.

Johanna had long not felt as angry towards tributes as she was currently.


"Nice shot!" As the career's laugh and Josh high fives 4, Paige sprints to her brothers side.

She drops her hatchets as she drops to her knees.

With trembling hands and growing panic, she grabbed the staff of the trident and pulled it out, up to three inches of it covered in blood as she threw it away carelessly.

"Marcus." She lifted his body in her arms as he coughed blood, pressing his hands to his chest, them coming away with blood on the skin of them.

She looked in horror as her brother looked at her with a bloody face.

The always happy little boy, proud of having Paige as a sister, thriving to become someone just like her and his father... Now laid here in her arms.

Tears burst from her eyes and cascaded down her face.

"You'll be okay." She said, pressing her hand on the wound, making him groan. "You're fine." She tried to find the little pot of cream even tho she knew inside it wouldn't help, even so, mad when she remembered it was in her jacket's pocket, the one she left with Nelson.

He put a hand on her chest.

"I'll always be in your heart." He whispered.

"Don't say things like this!" She yelled, dread settling in, her brother was not going home. "Marcus don't you dare leave me, you don't have the right Sapling!"

"Tell dad I love him." He relaxed against her.



That one sound, deafening beyond measure, unable to hear anything else over it.

That sound was a ball in her throat, choking her her, her lungs burning.

"No no no! Marcus! No! Look at me!" She grabbed his face but his eyes were void, like Nelson's, like Kai's, like Jasmine's, all void, void of life. "Please Marcus! Don't do this!" She sobbed, dropping her head on his chest, blood staining her face and hair but she didn't care.

She squeezed his body in her arms, trembling as she sobbed.

"Okay, I am getting bored." The girl from 1 said, twisting her short sword in her hand as she walked closer. "Lights off 7!" She swung down at the back of Paige's head.

But they all failed to realize something.

Paige had nothing left to lose.

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