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Warnings: none


Merla was roaming the library mindlessly. Dinner was about to start but she didn't have much of an appetite at the moment. Quiditch practice had been draining and the thought of sitting in the great hall with hundreds of other people breathing the same air rubbed her the wrong way.

So here she was, walking up and down the library for something good to read. And there she was. The short bushy haired girl from Diagon Alley standing on her tip toes trying to reach a book.

Whipping out her wand, Merla pointed to it and wordlessly it floated to her. She caught it above her head and smiled. "I'm sorry. Were you about to take this book?"

Hermione crossed her arms. "Obviously."

"Well sorry. I actually came all this way just to check out-" She glanced down at the book. "-history of potions, first edition."

The first year scoffed. "Could you not?"

"Oh she's fiesty tonight, ladies and gentlemen." Merla clutched the book closer to her when Hermione reached for it.  When the younger girl looked like she was about to cry, Merla felt bad and held out the book. "I'm only just joking."

Hermione yanked the book away and held it tightly with both hands. "Thanks." Merla nodded and went to continue her stroll. "Wait." Merla turned and looked back at Hermione. "Ho- how did you do that, just then. You casted a spell without saying the encantation."

Merla crossed her arms. "Oh? You want to know my secrets." She smiled as she watched Hermione awaiting the answer. "Well sorry but they're... secrets."

"But that's just impossible! You're so young it shouldn't be possible."

"I could teach you."


"No." Merla shook her head smiling. "Sorry Granger. You can't teach natural talent."

Hermione wanted to ask a question but someone ran down the isle of the library and bumped straight into Merla. The two fell over, with the stranger landing roughly ontop of Merla.

She shoved the mess of limbs off her. "What the fuck?" She wheezed and rolled over.

"Merla." An Asian boy in Slytherin robes grabbed the girl by her armpits and lifted her up. "You've got to help me. I messed up."

Duri was covered in head to toe in ash. "I messed up. Please help me." Be begged, pleaded.

"What did you do?" Merla whispered as the door of the library slammed open.

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