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warnings: cringe men pt2

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warnings: cringe men pt2


It was finally the Holidays. Although most of the student population decided to stick around the halls, the school seemed less hectic. Most of the younger years were out of the way so atleast the hallways were less crowded. 

"How do I look girls?" Kara twirled around in the Slytherin girls dorm. Her dazzling yellow ball gown was beautiful. And so was Kara. 

Lori gave Kara a flirty look over. "Lovely. If Zaid hadn't asked you to the ball you would've been mine." Kara blushed at the comment. "I am surprised he asked you, however." 

The day after nearly every boy in Hogwarts asked Merla to the ball, Zaid made a huge show of asking Kara to the ball. He hired a bunch of his brothers friends to line up and hand Kara flowers in front of nearly the entire school. He stood at the end of the line with a bouquet of Kara's favorite flowers. It was quite cute, however Merla felt like he was only asking Kara out to make Cedric angry.

"Why wouldn't he?" Enid wrapped her arms around Kara. "She's an angel! And if he does anything stupid you just let me know. I have connections in the forbidden forest." 

Merla squinted her eyes at that. "Could one of you zip me up?" Lori sighed deeply as if Merla was asking her to dedicate her life to a cause instead of just asking for a simple favor. She walked dramatically across the room and zipped up Merla's gown.

"This looks expensive." Lori's hands ran up and down the sleeves of Merla's magnificent deep green gown. "Is this silk?"

"Why are you feeling her up?" Enid called across the room. 

Merla turned around and flattened out the puffy crinolines. "Yes, it's silk. My mother bought it for me." Lori nodded in amazement as her hands wandered the dress. "Ok stop touching me." Merla backed away playfully. 

"Who are you two going to the ball with?" Kara sat down carefully on Merla's bed. "I know Merla is going with Duri, and me with Zaid..."

Enid and Lori shared a look. "You first." Lori laughed.

Enid shook her head. "I am going with Raymond." 

Merla frowned. "Raymond? Like Raymond from the Quidditch team? That Raymond?" Enid nodded her head. Lori was nudged by Enid.

"I am ashamed to admit. I am going to the ball with a Gryffindor. I am going with George Weasley." 

"Disgusting." Merla pretended to gag. "I think I am going to puke- honestly. Hold my hair Kara." The girls all laughed at Merla's antics. There was a knock on the door and Daphne Greengrass peaked her head in. 

Daphne was in the year above the girls, she was nice but very strict with who she associated herself with. She wasn't necessarily a pureblood stereotype. She just didn't want to start problems. "Ladies. There's a couple of exquisite gentlemen in the common room... and George Weasley too. They're waiting for you." She smiled then disappeared down the hall to gather with her friends.

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