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Absolutely not. "That is ridiculous." Merla stood up quickly, her chair scraping across the floor of the family room.

"Merla. It is for your best interest." Her mother tried to comfort her as best she could. "You could have died last year, you nearly went blind!" Narcissa argued. 

"So you're taking me out of school? Home school? What about my friends? What about Quidditch?" She panted as she thought of how lonely she would be.

Her father scoffed. "You ought to learn how to lose those friends sooner or later. They will only cause you trouble."

Merla would have rolled her eyes if it wouldn't have caused her physical pain. She was still healing. After Voldemort poked her eyes out Madam Pomfrey was able to heal her but she was still recovering. She couldn't see for a few weeks after the end of the term. 

Draco had to help her navigate her way through the house. Although they did have their house elves, he insisted. She could see now - hardly - but she could see. Good enough to glare at her father.

"I am not going to be some freak you lock up to hide away." She crossed her arms like a child. 

"That is exactly what is going to happen." Lucious stood up and walked to his daughter menacingly. "You will do as we say. We are your parents, we know what is best for you."

Merla scoffed. "You know nothing old man."

He picked her up by the collar of her shirt. "I know enough. You will stay here and you will not return to Hogwarts until it is needed of you. You will study here, you will excel here." 


"What are you doing?" Draco laughed as he walked into his sisters room and saw her crouched over her desk writing a letter. She was centimeters away from the parchment, scribbling away a quick apology to her friends letting them know she won't be returning to Hogwarts next year."

She straightened her shoulders and looked over to her little brother. "Just writing my friends. I promised I would not ignore them. Not again." She frowned as she thought of how much she probably worried them. 

Draco came closer to her desk. "You must be going blind like Potter. We should get you some glasses." 

That peeked her interest. "That would certainly help."


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