INTJ hobbies

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INTJs are known for their intellectual curiosity and analytical nature, so they tend to enjoy hobbies that challenge their minds and allow them to learn new things, you really expected i would say sleep ? xDDD, although sleeping is our ultimate hobby we still enjoy other hobbies :3

Here are some hobbies that INTJs are often drawn to:

- Reading: INTJs tend to be avid readers, with a particular interest in non-fiction books on topics such as science, history, philosophy, and psychology.

- Writing: Many INTJs enjoy writing, whether it's journaling, blogging, or writing fiction or non-fiction books.

- Strategic Games: INTJs tend to enjoy games that challenge their strategic thinking and planning abilities, such as chess, poker, or strategy-based video games.

- Hiking: INTJs can appreciate the solitude and introspection that come with hiking in nature, as well as the opportunity to observe and analyze the natural world.

- Art: While not all INTJs are artistically inclined, some enjoy creative hobbies such as painting, drawing, or photography as a way to express themselves and explore new perspectives.

- Research: INTJs enjoy learning new things and delving deep into a subject, so they may enjoy conducting research or analysis on topics of interest to them.

- Music: Some INTJs enjoy listening to or playing music as a way to stimulate their minds and creativity, or to explore different emotions and perspectives.

- martial arts: INTJs often enjoy hobbies that challenge them both physically and mentally. Many find the discipline and physicality of martial arts (including everything from archery to historical sword-fighting to taekwondo) appealing.

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