How INTJs treat you in love!

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INTJs in love is something so beautiful, if you are one of the few lucky people that landed a healthy INTJ you will be lucky.

INTJs despite looking cold, they are one of the most warm people, they only let few people in, they will still be cool calme and cold with everyone but super lovey dovy and soft with you in private!

Its usually said that every INTJ has an ESFP inside of them, that won' t come out unless they trust the person trully!

INTJ needs their alone/quiet time ( like A LOT ) there is no denying in this, but if they see that their partner needs them or wants them with them they will spent time with them .

They are natural problem solvers, one of their biggest signs of true love is that they will try to solve your problems and improve your life, if you have a problem, they are eager to help. They will give you the possible causes and possible solutions, and then let you go figure.

They will give you the push you need to do things that I need to do.

They always know what to say, or do, when you are feeling down. And every time it happens, you will be surprised by the efforts.

INTJs  are not comfortable with physical touch!! but this will change with you (remember the inner ESFP we talked about earlier ?) they will be okay with you, whenever you are together, they will keep you super close, hold your hand and hugs you a lot, you will feel loved for sure.

If they promised you anything ( big or small it doesn't matter really) THEY WILL COMMIT and stay true to their words, ALWAYS.

They won't try to change you. Instead, they will make you see how they views things and let you weigh it by yourself, and choose.

They will accept you the way you are.

They will be the biggest support system you will have, sometimes there will be things that had to be said, despite them knowing that it might make you sad... they will say it, the best part is that they will say it without any judgement on their part, and after that's done, it's done, they will then stay by your side and try to put a smile back on your face while still supporting your growth.

I have to add that INTJs won't bother giving you feedback, or tell you were you are wrong .. unless you mean so much to them, if you are a feeler try to always think of it from the perspective that your INTJ loves you so so much, this is why they hate seeing you destroy yourself committing wrong behaviors, so don't hate them for this and especially try not to take it personally because they for sure don't hate you.

They are fierce protectors, they will never leave your side whenever you needed them, and will protect you all the time, at all costs.

They are VERY thoughtful, their priority is to make their partner feel as comfortable as possible.

When you are down, they would always encourage you whenever and however they could, they love to see their loved ones grow and mature, and hate to see them down and sad, so they will always try their best.

There is still too much to say, but i want to keep the chapter short and not over write, you have to keep in mind as well that INTJs are silent lovers, meaning they won't go for PDA ( public display of affection) and tell you 100x "i love you"s per day, they love you in their own way, adjust to your needs, support you, protect you, listen to you and slowly you will see them blooming like a flower, they are shy and it will take them time, if you are whiling to be patient you will be rewarded heavenly after.

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