ENFP/INTJ experience part 1

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im an enfp married to an intj and he's my best friend on earth and I wouldn't want anyone else! My husband grounds me and balances me out and I give him the permission to be himself without judgment because I love him as he is and he loves me as I am.

Enfp's are emotional but we develop and mature over time and we aren't cry babies we are passionate.

I asked my husband his opinion on the 2nd question just now and he said that, "compared to intj's enfp's are emotional but not compared to other feelers" he sees my emotions as part of my heart & how I process the world around me.

Feelers aren't automatically irrational, enfp's like me use feelings as a variable to understand the world around us.

FYI if an enfp likes an intj we are annoying at first because we want to know the core of who you are. I'm sorry to all intj's our there. It does end. We mellow out. Like intj's enfp's value commitment and don't want to waste time. That is why we get annoying in the beginning. It's like take it or leave it lol we want to know that we have things in common from a desire for knowledge (we are way more alike than we first come off) to core values.

We love how you can challenge us to be our best while accepting us as we are. We love genuinely, both of our types do. Enfp's and intj's have a bond that's based on loving each other as an individual who has valid opinions and we learn from each other.

My intj husband helped me think things through Better and he understands me and my thought process better than most and we both value honesty and independence to be who we are as individuals.

Enfp's aren't the typical extrovert FYI and we don't always want to be around people and we are more than meets the eye. My intj husband was the first person to really be able to read me. He is my best friend on earth and our marriage is based on mutual respect, honesty, love, friendship ie not forgetting to value each other as you value your friends, integrity, being our authentic selves, and not changing each other.

We've been together over 2 years including dating (we were friends first). I have never had a relationship with anyone so special.

I have never had a relationship that is based off so much mutual respect where we are expected to just be who we are all of the time and we are honest.

I love intj honesty because I know it's actually for my good and not something cold. intj's shouldn't be labeled as cold. Love gets sweeter. Any relationship takes work.

My marriage is something im grateful for every day. We have a daughter and son under a year old and I can say 100% that even with parenting it's a good match because of the bond we have and even our parenting styles are similar: we strive to teach our kids to be independent and know they are loved, we strive to raise individuals who have a mind of their own and we strive to give them the skills our kids need to survive in life while being there for them as a parent (not helicopter parenting and not neglectful parenting) I know I answered much more than was asked but I really want to say that if I never met my intj husband I don't think I would have ever gotten married.

This is how awesome an enfp and intj bond is. I never could imagine anyone else. The love and respect we have for each other is special

see you in the next chapter <3

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