ENFP/INTJ experience part 5

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I'm an INTJ and my husband is an ENFP.

We have been married 21 years and I cannot believe how lucky I am to have found him. He is so enthusiastic and earnest he melts my heart.

Sarcasm goes over his head so he doesn't get mad at me and I give up trying to be sarcastic because there is no point.

When I need my space he is happy to leave me alone and he doesn't get upset. When I want to cuddle he is always willing, He is also very smart so we can have deep conversations and he is also great at small talk so he comes to my rescue when people try to do that with me.

Everybody loves him so they give his aloof wife (me) a chance just because she can't be that bad if he chooses to be with her.

He is independent and confident so he doesn't need validation from me which is a good thing since I'm really bad at validating people.

He is our kids biggest cheerleader and that more than makes up from me being unable to show excitement for them.

He dragges me out of my comfort zone and I keep him from getting lost. He loves me just the way I am and I love him everyday more and I never want him to change.

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