INFP/INTJ experience part 2

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I've lived with my INTJ for over 10 years. 😊

Life within our relationship is good now, but it was rough there for a while. Not because we were different, we personally got along very well, but the external environment we kept landing in made everything else pretty hard. Such as finding a place to live, dealing with abusive exes and family members, and the usual simultaneous social pressures that the universe enjoys dumping on people.

We both stuck through it and the work was so worth it because I love how our relationship is now. 😊

We have always had many of the same thoughts about the world:

Can't stand most peopleDon't believe everything the govt and media tells usHow do Sensors even live their lives?Who needs to leave home? We can order things instead.Maybe we should create an apocalyptic emergency kit... just in case."I can't imagine sharing my life with anyone else. I'd probably kill them." (Okay, maybe my sentiment isn't quite 'kill', but still lol)

It probably sounds odd, but we don't really argue at all. We've had a couple of loud arguments some years ago, but that was all due to stress. We rarely disagree on important issues like money. And if there is some disagreement taking place, it's probably from a misunderstanding or maybe a retrograde. 😉

We both work from home, interacting with co-workers via chat and webcams. 😉

We both like cats, enjoy very similar shows and books, and have almost the same sense of humour.

INTJ - INFP relationship life together:

My INTJ is good at making future plans - or as I like to call it "future-proofing" - sometimes like a year or more into the future. While I'm lucky if I can plan beyond a month (and that's pushing it). 😅I'm good at the small details (like copy-pasting in spreadsheets or things like folding laundry lol), tasks my INTJ tends to hate doing, but will do if necessary (still hates it). I love to help with this when asked. 😀I used to be better at handling violence in shows when I was younger than I am now. My INTJ doesn't mind perusing a new film/series and letting me know if there's something in it that might upset me. 💗💗Both of us find cooking to be fun and relaxing. We do this often.We enjoy working together on a bunch of projects, however, they come about. 😊I am definitely not good at talking on the phone and my INTJ doesn't mind helping me in this area.I think I've become more of a rational thinker-feeler from our years of living together. (Not to say that I'm less emotional because my emotions will always be there.) I even think my INTJ has learned to understand some of the possible internal emotion bubbles as they crop up. 😉 If not, I offer a few ideas and we'll sit and discuss them for a while.We have great conversations together. Silly, in-depth, conspiracy theory, science, global issues, govt issues, this or that person is stupid issues, work-related, new things to learn... so many areas!I greatly lean on the calmness and matter-of-fact demeanor during crisis situations (like during this pandemic). It's so comforting and grounding. 💗We are in tune with the other. We finish one another's thoughts and seem to know what the other is thinking. Which, I suppose is normal when you've been together for years. 😊We help each other in whatever ways are best. Talking, sharing, helping with chores, splitting the bills.My INTJ has become accustomed to my snuggles. 😊 Even likes them. 😉 I think this came about originally after seeing how much I liked it and how it made me feel happy. And eventually, the feeling became mutual. 💗💗

As I'm writing the above points out, I'm realizing that these are the usual sorts of situations that people who care about each other develop. Aren't they?

Honestly, I know that INFPs and INTJs may seem like such different MBTI types, but as the years go by, if both sides are patient and willing to learn from the other, the differences become such a benefit and not a burden. If you focus on the Intuitive thought process that both use very strongly, it isn't so hard to figure each other out. 😍

And, of course, each person has their own personality traits they prefer. Some people prefer Extroverts or fellow Thinking types, etc. And that's awesome too!

I've also had lots of good INTJ friendships. 💘 I could probably go on and on, but really, I think I listed up a good enough picture. 💖💖 If you're in a new INTJ-INFP relationship, seriously be patient! It is SO worth it. 😍

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