INTJ weaknesses in a Relationship.

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Weaknesses of INTJs in a Relationship:

1. Emotionally distant INTJs can struggle with understanding and expressing their own emotions, as well as recognizing and validating their partner's feelings. They may dismiss their partner's strong emotions as irrational or illogical, which can be disappointing for their partners.

2. Need for clear explanations INTJs prefer clear-cut instructions and explanations over ambiguous or implicit communication, which can frustrate their partners who value subtlety or nonverbal cues.

3. Private and reserved INTJs are highly introverted and tend to keep their thoughts and insights to themselves, which can give the impression that they are disinterested or unattracted to their partner. They may also struggle to share their opinions, which can be confusing for their partners.

4. Need for alone time INTJs require a lot of time to recharge and plan, and they prefer to be free of distractions during this time. This can be difficult for their partners who crave more attention and interaction.

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