ENFP/INTJ experience part 8

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Hi! So I actually posted a story a while back on this subreddit about how I met my current (hopefully permanent) SO. She is an INTJ, and its definitely as great as everyone thinks it could be.

I think it took her about 4 months of dating before she decided she could trust me with everything. Before that, she was rather quiet and very private, which of course was the exact opposite of someone like me. Some examples of this (no judgement), I like talking while getting ready in the bathroom in the morning. She absolutely did not have that when we started dating. But about 3 months after we started, she came in and just sat down to talk to me, no prompting. Its a morning routine now!

Physically, it definitely got better with time. I think initially I was far more experienced in that department than she was, so it took her a lot of time to get comfortable with being physical. But it's absolutely wonderful now, probably the best its ever been for me. :)

I enjoy seeing her every day. I love waking up and knowing there's a person who simply has my back and won't back down or submit when I get emotional or stressed. She's pretty much everything I ever wanted, and she tells me I'm the same for her. That's about all I can say!

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