ENFP/INTJ experience part 4

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I dated an INTJ girl for 2 years and we are still in love. Don't hold back, you know when it's right for you and if it feels right go for it and don't hold back. Life is magic and you can share that magic together. Be the romantic, the adventurer, let her see all the different sides of you while you enjoy learning about her nature and mind

I could talk to my INTJ about anything and everything, our conversations were full of imagination and escalating inside jokes. INTJ's can go back and forth with your philosophically deep but amusing thought processes, they're capable of being open minded and creative masterminds (whether for good or evil). I'm convinced I could take over the world with my INTJ at my side if I ever found the motivation.

You know that there are certain people who 'get' you and can roll with your vibe, and as the guy this is great because you can lead her into something really fun and unique that not a lot of couples get to experience (ENFP guys are rare, if you've felt like an outsider among other guys it's because we are wired to see things differently than the 'traditionally masculine' way of thinking and feeling)

If you're out of the box then be out of the box and have fun

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