ENTP/INTJ experience part 2

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It's amazing. I'm an INTJ and she is an ENTP. I think the low emotional sentiment within the relationship is really relaxing and creates space for both of us to not feel so burdened and drained. Also there is a sense of accountability and absolute honesty because we both know we can not fool each other. There's no games or mental manipulation going on because we can basically both read each other's minds. There is a mutual understanding that the truth is very important whether it hurts our feelings or not.

Im far more opinionated which is ok because she is more agreeable and needs people with strong conviction and vice versa. I'm also more focused in work and finances than she is but she is more outgoing and socially appropriate. She helps me see things from other people's perspectives. She is very giving and more service oriented which makes me feel good and cared for. I give organization and stability to the relationship and she encourages me to lighten up. She trusts me and I trust her.

we feel comfortable talking about anything with each other, especially all the things that are controversial that seem to be ignored by most people.

when we argue or disagree we can debate softly with each other without getting our feelings hurt, drawing data and logic into the conversation and agreeing with what is true. If one of us is wrong we swallow our pride and admit it. When we fight, We try to fight for a solution rather than tear each other apart. Neither of us Likes being angry or resentful. this clouds our thinking space and wastes our time.

we aren't super romantic but we try to be. Quality time is our love language. So we are happy just hanging out and talking about what interests us.

she's cold on the inside and warm on the outside, I'm warm on the inside and cold on the outside. We are like two robots who are expressing love as logically as we can.

we are both religious and we pray together, asking God to guide us in love and humility. This is the real icing on the cake. An understanding that we aren't God, we don't control everything and we don't control each other, we are just two imperfect people who try to grow each day.

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