Unhealthy INTJ

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This is going to be a hard one xD, any unhealthy person is a person you should be careful with, their MBTI doesn't matter, but since we are talking about INTJs, here re some of the major characteristics of an unhealthy INTJ:

1. Their way is the right way.

2. They don't care how you feel.

3. They use logic to fit their ideas.

4. Ignore their health, body, and their well being.

5. They act impulsively and/or recklessly.

6. Lot of silent treatment.

7. They are cut off from their own emotions.

8. Unhealthy INTJs tend to find emotionally demonstrative, exuberant people annoying. They often struggle to trust them and wonder if they have ulterior motives, all in all they form an unfair judgment about the feelers.

9. They have a superiority complex.

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