ENFP/INTJ experience part 2

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I am an INTJ male, and ENFP females are my favorite thing in life. In my experience they always have the purest intentions at their core, which stands out in a world of mostly selfish people. You can definitely trust them, but only if they have chosen you as someone they want to commit to. Their social network will be gigantic and complex, and they keep most people at a distance. They hate being hurt, so don't make that mistake. They will never let you back in. Getting close to one is a high stakes game, don't ever mess it up.

ENFP women are usually the warmest and most outgoing personality in the room. Everyone stands round them in a circle just to be in their presence. They do have a tendency to be beautiful too, in my experience. However being around this many people that are trying to constantly win their affection causes the ENFP to keep a fine line between their public, happy go lucky self and their private, cuddly, sad, tired selves that can lean easily towards depression whenever things go wrong. This can be a dark place for them, and they will retreat from most people and stay at home to recharge their positivity.

A lot of people see ENFPs as an average IQ person. This is false. They have extremely high emotional intelligence which translates into many other facets of life. They are the type of person who will know multiple languages, play multiple instruments and have their passports stamped all over. They can be book smart too as no one person is the same, but anything that deals with intuition and feeling will be their forte.

Being around an ENFP is the greatest thing for an INTJ. You can tell them endless stupid stories or facts, and they just listen like it's the only thing that they are interested in. They'll laugh and cry with you. Get them on the dance floor, they will show you things you've never seen. They are also extremely patient and comforting. They can sense a bad mood, and instead of trying to rush they will sit and talk with you until it magically disappears. Yes, ENFPs have magical depression-destroying abilities.

The great thing about the ENFP/INTJ dynamic is the ENFP can understand INTJ right away. They see through everything somehow. They are attracted by the mystery/aloofness and will try to find out more about the INTJ. Maybe it's someyhing chemical, maybe it's the ENFP's sharp social skills that notice the one person not trying to gain their favor. Either way, I have been with almost exclusively ENFP females, and I would never date any other type. Their potential for loyalty, love and growth is uncapped.

I ❤️ ENFP!

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