INFJ/INTJ experience part 4

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what do INTJs think of INFJs?

INFJ's are great.

They're basically who I would be if I was a lot more insightful and sensitive when it comes to people. They don't have my detachment, not really, and I can generally banter with them no matter what they are talking about.

They are much better than me at picking up on how to deal with situations, and they bring out this side of me that I really like, a non-arrogant, sensitive, sweet side of me that not many other kind of people can bring out.

I really like INFJ's, because they're perfect for learning from while having a great time doing it.

what do INFJs think of INTJS?

Hot as hell.

Salivating for people's approval is in the INFJ's nature. It's just not often realised because we're so agreeable - which is also exactly how we earn everyone's praise. INTJs, though? They're so amazingly foolproof that I don't even want to bother impressing them. For once, I actually desire to be liked for the person I am, however light of an impression that may be.

Because their mind is everything.

Sharp, cool, special. Real.

They're honest, genuine, they don't sugarcoat and serve their words raw. Also, they always come in eloquent and they don't seem to even be aware of that. Gorgeous!

My, my - they bring such delightful discussions. I absolutely adore their ability to take a stand and still persist to keep an open mind. They see the world as it is; accumulating facts subject to change. If they insist they do not care, they really don't - they mean what they say, which is usually short and sweet. (So when they do rant, it's like trick-or-treating for me!)

They don't hide. They walk out, naked, and get shit done. They couldn't care less about what the world thinks, and yet they're the cleanest sort out there because they are hardly bothered and would rarely bother to cause conflict. If they need to argue they do so in such a justly manner that you can't help but say, fair enough, and let them rant because their rants are bloody beautiful. Have I yet to mention that?

To have an INTJ to like me, man.

INTJ, a deep dive into the architectsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora