Romantic Compatibility with ENFP

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hello again :3

welcome to this chapter, we will be talking about the romantic compatibility between INTJs and ENFPs, it's on of the favorite ships in the MBTI community if not the most xD aka the golden pair.

Instaid of writing tetxts and texts i decided to share some of the experiences some netizens shared in forums like reddit and quora.., and how each type described the other type in their relationship.

It's magic :) I am the INTJ in one such relationship. The INTJ is used to being told they have weird ideas and is socially akward so when the ENFP, who is a social butterfly, actually finds the INTJ interesting and worth spending all their time with, the INTJ feels both shocked and loved.

They are different where it matters and similar where it matters. The ENFP will force the INTJ out of their goal focused one track mindedness by going off track onto adventures along the way and although the INTJ will dread it at that moment, when they think about it later on they will be glad they had the adventure and lived a little.

The INTJ will help the ENFP reach their goals and keep them grounded and help them to see the bigger picture when reasoning things out. The ENFP will go on social media and make friends, the INTJ will once again be forced to listen to all the ENFPs excited chatter about what's going on and who the latest celebrities are-the INTJ will appreciate this additional general knowledge in a social setting later.

I'm not sure exactly why the ENFPs think us INTJs are so great, but heck am I grateful they do :) I think we are each other's yin/yang basically. It's an everlasting dynamic that never gets boring!

author here:

that really sounds beautiful not gonna lie, i will be sharing more similar stories in the next chapters stay tuned

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