Romantic compatibility with INFJ

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If those two will ever get to talking about how they really feel - they will be very compatible :) They have a lot in common when it comes to conversations. They find each other mutually stimulating. When they share insights they find each other enriching since both add puzzle pieces to the big picture of how the world operates. They have a common approach to time, when it comes to mutual activities, like things to be settled in advance. As for introversion, somebody has to take the role of an extrovert when it comes to dealing with practicalities of external world.

Expectations and mutual mind reading as a form of communication are potential pitfalls between the two, since both can approach sensitive issues in the same way in the beginning - subtle words accompanied by meaningful actions. When things don't work out or get bazaar, INTJs step in with blunt clarification to spoil the whole thing for INFJs. Why spoil? INFJs want emotional support, INTJs offer practical solution. These things can trigger the blind spots of each other, getting people into the tunnel vision. Things get even more complicated.

It happens because INTJs have F for tertiary function that limits the possibility of expressing feelings freely. While INFJs having Fe as a auxiliary function have an internal focus on moods and emotional needs of others. They may overstretch themselves and start to feel taken for granted. The golden mean is balancing emotional and logical approach in communication when personal needs are discussed. If both people approach it with mutual efforts, it will be possible. It would be mutually beneficial for both.

Open communication works better than expectations, especially with direct kind of types as INTJs. For example, saying: "Hold me" is much better than "I don't feel your support now". Or "What can I do to support you?" is much better than "It won't solve the problem". When it comes to these types, it is often just the words game.

Good luck!

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