Romantic compatibility with ENTP

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that was intense with the ENFP lol

we move on now to ENTP and same with the last pair, i will share some of the experiences some netizens shared in forums like reddit and quora.., and how each type described the other type in their relationship.

An ENTP / INTJ relationship is a beautiful one.

Your mode of thought is similar, so you are always on the same wavelength. An INTJ myself, many of my good friends are ENTPs (and past boyfriends), and our conversations are both incredibly stimulating and indescribably satisfying.

They get you, which not many people do. They have the same inert curiosity, the same love for philosophy and theorization. What's more is their P trait- something many INTJs are reluctant to converse with, but beneficial in the end. To put it as nicely as possible, we can be stringent when it comes to planning and order. An ENTP, however annoying it may seem at first, introduces a much needed go-with-the-flow attitude to the relationship. They take that perspective into your conversations, attacking the same topic from a slightly different angle that is not so different as to be incomprehensible, but not so similar as to not be unenlightening. The E/I difference varies greatly depending on the strength of each persons, but in general it keeps conversation rolling well when in larger crowds as you compliment each other (there is never an issue when alone, INTJs are very E when it comes to intellectually stimulating conversation- something that happens often in this pairing).

There is never a thought too nerdy or weird to bring up with this pairing, which is perhaps the best attribute of the relationship. Just yesterday, I was thinking about the relationship between surface area and volume of my hair bun. Consumed with the problem internally for several minutes, I became disconnected with the conversation, and soon after crawled away to find a sheet of paper and work out some of the math I was thinking about. After several people passed by and made fun of me (jokingly), I knew to shroud away when asked what I was doing- however, it didn't even occur to my ENTP friend to question why I was doing it. He hopped right in and started solving it with me without any prompting, becoming completely invested with the issue at hand.

That's the sort of thing that happens all the time with this pairing. INTJs bring out the J, the motive, the drive ENTPs often lack- the ENTPs bring out the fun loving, free spirited, good natured P side in INTJs and help to put our unrealistic standards in perspective without any of the BS.

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