ENTJ/INTJ experience part 1

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One of my closest friends is an ENTJ and we get along pretty well! We share similar ways of thinking for the most part, and we both also provide each other with insights the other had not initially thought of.

I like that I can discuss things or problems with her and we can bounce ideas off of each other on how I can fix it. And if I happen to get emotional (oh hello FI), she's still very understanding and helps me wade through it with reason.

She also never takes it personally when I happen to be stressed and I snap at her. Most people would get upset and assume I'm mad at them, even when I'm not. She doesn't even bat an eye. Sometimes she laughs and calls me out, saying I'm being grumpy again (which may annoy me more in the moment) but she always just gives me space until I'm back to normal. Likewise, I also don't take it personally when she snaps at me and I see something is bothering her too. We both know it's not meant to be personal (just an expression of stress) and when the other one is back to normal, it's like nothing happened.

We also work pretty well together. We're colleagues at work and also run a business together. We both like being efficient and organized and it was easy for us to split the work load (you do what you're good at, I'll do what I'm good at). If one of us has an idea, we discuss it objectively to see if it's a good one or not.

We've rarely fought. There are only a handful of times when I remember actually being upset with her and I wouldn't talk to her much, but it didn't last long. I know there are times when she's been pissed at me too, but never for long either. We've never had any shouting matches or confrontations (maybe we're lucky lol). Mostly, we know when to give each other some space.

But then, other factors may be in play with our friendship as well. Like how we have similar humor and get annoyed at the same things, and other stuff that isn't really related to MBTI.

But I personally do think that INTJ and ENTJ are very similar (just look at their function stack) and can get along pretty well overall :)

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