ENFP/INTJ experience part 7

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I've been married to an INTJ for 12 years now.

We met through friends of friends. I noticed her because she was different from everyone else there (this was at a party).

She just stayed with the people she knew, while everyone else was mingling.

I first noticed her discomfort when someone unknown to her approached her. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights (lol, poor girl).

Everyone else at that party was bragging about something or someone they knew. That bored me, so I tried to connect with this "weird" girl that no one else seemed to be able to.

And what can I say? She was awesome, cool, nerdy, mysterious. The rest is history!

Now - We've had some issues during these 12 years.

Nothing serious - More like annoyances.

Her overly logical solutions to life and feelings. Her inability to understand feelings and where they come from.

It's just weird to me. For instance - Sometimes she can hurt people with her honesty. And she doesn't even see that it hurts that person.

And when I tell her, she's going with: "Well, I just told him/her the truth".

Well, news flash "logic-woman" (potential superhero name?) - "Telling someone the truth, isn't always a good thing. Especially if the truth hurts their feelings!"

"But.....It's the truth! How can it hurt their feelings? Truth is truth! It's not subjective!"

Do you see what I'm dealing with here?

So there's that!

And yes, she needs her alone time. Sometimes she even sacrifices sleep in order to get that alone time.

Basically: If she doesn't get enough alone time, she'll end up with a lack of sleep.

And that can make her angry and short tempered.

Don't get me wrong though - She's still the nicest and most caring girl ever. She's just more easily annoyed when she has a lack of sleep.

So any tips on that would be great! (fingers crossed)

All in all though - I wouldn't trade her for the world.

Life's never boring with her.

We never run out of things to talk about, and she's a very good listener. The loyalty is a big plus. I don't ever have to worry about that.

My insecurities aside - She's always gonna be there for me!

Best girl ever!

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