Job interview.

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I follow the woman as my eyes look all over the place. This building is beautiful from the inside. It has red carpet with a bit of gold in it the walls are white with pictures with gold and silver frames. Theres chandeliers that sparkle in the sunlight too. All of this looked so incredibly beautiful, I wanted this job because it has a high pay and I need that to continue on with my life here.

As we made our way up the big stairs we came to a stop and went into the elevator. I was a bit hesitant and felt nervous about going into the elevator. As a child I never liked elevators I was always scared of them stopping and me not being able to get out. I stepped into the elevator almost falling the kind woman caught me in her hand before I could fall. "Thank you" I said embarrassed, blushing. "That's alright, are you nervous?".

I turn my head and look into her eyes. Her eyes were dark brown, it reminded me of leaves in the fall. Her eyes were twinkling in the elevator light. "Yeah I am this is a very important job interview." I sighed. " Don't worry Mr. Jones is super nice and understanding im sure if you let him know what happened he will understand".

The elevator bell dings and we both step out. I take a minute to breathe as she leads me to these huge doors. The doors were dark brown wood coloured with some gold around like a frame. She opened the doors and I stepped instead.

I took a deep breath and made my way to the table, I sat down at the table waiting for Mr.Jones. I sat there thinking about how my life will be here, I have always wanted an animal of some sort I was thinking maybe a dog or a cat. Suddenly my daydreaming was interrupted by a deep voice with a thick german accent ."Angel?".

I quickly snapped out of it and looked at him. He had dark brown hair, blue eyes and the most perfect looking lips I've ever seen. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a matching tie. I blushed and replied "yes hi Mr.Jones" while shaking his hand. He took a seat and took out his notes. " I see you have a great resume and have been working since you were 16 correct?" "Yes that's correct." "Great well tell me about yourself and why you think you would make a great assistant here"

I take a Deep breath. "Well I've been working since I was 16 and always wanted a job as an assistant for a real estate company, I'm very hardworking and professional and I have done some work as an assistant in England before." "So you are from England?" "Yes I am from England." "And you don't plan on going back there to work yes?" He said raising his eyebrows. "No I won't be going back."

"Fantastic. I have taken a look at some of your work and I am very impressed." I look down at the floor shyly. "Thank you." I responded. "Well that settles it, you're hired." My face lit up in an instant and I felt like everything I worked so hard for is coming true. I felt so excited and happy in that moment. I looked up at him making eye contact. "Thank you so much Mr.Jones, When do you need me to start?" "Tracy from reception will be helping you get settled, she will give you a call tomorrow. "that's fantastic thank you so much." "Absolutely no problem.

See you tomorrow Angel." "See you tomorrow." I sat there in shock for a few seconds and then got up and made my way out the door. I went into the elevator and pressed the button as I watched it close.

I think started twirling around in excitement squealing. I did that for about a minute until the elevator opened and I got out. I was in pure disbelief and shock. Did I really just get a job here. As I am walking out the door I feel a warm hand grab my shoulders. I look back and see Tracy. "I see you got the job, congratulations" she says as she smiles with all her teeth. "Thank you." I said blushing a bit. She was gorgeous I loved her beautiful red hair and her gorgeous dark brown eyes. She looked like a true princess.

"I will give you a call tomorrow and you can have a look around and I'll show you everything." "Sounds amazing." I said as I smiled at her. "See you tomorrow."

As I made my way walking out the door pressing the "press to open" button. I made my way to my car as I felt the air on my skin. I got into my car and started screaming in disbelief. I started my car and turned on the radio.

I was bobbing my head to the radio as I was driving home. I decided to make a quick stop at the liquor store to celebrate. I drive slowly and find a parking space. I turn off my radio and my car and start crying.

This was such a big momment of my life for me and I am so grateful to have this opportunity. I calm down and get out of my car locking it. I went past all the shops in as the cold air blew on my skin. The sky was darker now and I could see the moon and some stars in the beautiful sky. I make a sudden stop at the shop that says "liquor store" i walk towards the door and open it. It's much warmer in here than outside. I look through the isles and look for something.

I wanted to look for some wine. I picked up a bottle of wine and i headed straight to the cashier. I put the bottle of wine on the counter and the lady scanned it and said "Id please." I pull out my id from my wallet and the lady check it and nods and gives it back to me. "That will be 20.00 please." I take out my cash from my wallet and hand her a 20 euro note. She takes and puts it in the register. I take the bottle of wine and make my way out the door.

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