The suv

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Once I sat down I could see in his eyes that he was a bit tipsy now. His dark brown eyes were twinkling in the light and he was playing with his lip piercing. "Everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah Im Fine." "Woah what did you do in there, did you build a whole beauty salon?." "No just put some stuff from my bag." I said shyly while laughing a bit. "You are really beautiful, princess." I blushed and replied "Thank you." "So do you want another drink? Something stronger?." "Sure I'll take whisky." He stood up and walked over to the bar. He ordered and came back with the drinks. I was getting tipsy and talking gibberish now. "Alright darling that's enough now." "I'm not even drunk." I said as I nearly fell over." He looked at me and smiled. This is when I knew something was wrong. My head was pounding and my heart was beating fast. Really fast. I started to feel panic and dizziness. I stood up and he caught my in his arms. He threw me over his arms, grabbed my purse and all I remember from that momment is a black suv.

Toms pov
She stood up and started falling over and I caught her. I looked at her eyes and threw her over my shoulder. I made sure to grab her bag. I tipped the waitress and winked on my way out. The suv has already been called and they were waiting for us outside. I walked to the car with her over my shoulder. I opened the car door and put her inside. I sat beside her. "You got her?" Georg said. "Got her." "Don't you think she'll be mad when she wake up?." "I doubt it she has no choice she's mine now. " I say with a grin while playing with my lip piercing. I look at her beautiful blonde hair with little curls at the end. Her beautiful skin and her beautiful body. When I want a girl I always get what I want. My brother bill helps me pick them up he's my wingman. A great wingman actually.

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