Let me go.

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I start to wake back up and I feel a stabbing pain in my knee and back. I look up as I start to regain consciousness. I look up at the tall dark figure standing over me. "Now don't try that stupid shit again and be a good girl." I see him put his hand out. I'm still very dizzy and can barley see so I grab his hand and he helps me up my knees collapse and he catches me.

He lift me up and carried me to the bed. He went to go grab some plasters and disinfectant for my knee. "Stay don't even try angel." Even if I wanted to make a run for it I couldn't my knee was hurt. I see him looking around in the cabinet for some stuff and finally he found the first aid kit. He comes over to me. "It will hurt more if you move." He says while taking out the supplies. He takes my knee and and starts wiping it with wipes. He then drys it with a paper towel and puts some sort of spray on it. I start moving my knee around in pain trying to get it to be comfortable. "Stop moving." He then wraps a bandage around it. "Thank you." I say not even looking at him. He was the one who did this to me. "Your welcome darling." He says with a grin.

He moves back and sits on the bed. He comes a bit closer and holds my chin turning my face to his. I look in his eyes. His eyes look so beautiful yet so evil. His lips which were the perfect pink nude colour and his sharp jawline. "Now, you've been asleep for a while you should eat something." I stare into his eyes. "Tom, I want to go home please just let me go." At this point I would be willing to beg. "This is your home now. You don't like it hmm?." He raises his eyebrows and i could tell from his eyes he's getting angry. I don't want him to hurt me again so I calmly tell him. "Please let me go."

He raises his eyebrows even more and starts playing with his piercings. "Are you hungry?, I'll go make something." He gets up and leaves the room. The lock clicks. I wait 1 minute and bolt for the door. It's locked.

I did hear the lock click but I wanted to make sure. Since I'm locked in this room I started looking around. I went straight for the cabinets looking for what I could find but the cabinets were locked after he took the first aid kit out. I looked in the big mirror and was shocked at what was staring back at me.

My hair was matted and my makeup was smeared everywhere. I saw a bathroom on the other side of the room. This room was massive there was so much space you could fit at least 100 people in here. I ran towards the bathroom. The door was open. I think he forgot to lock it. I See cabinets and they were all open. I slowly close the door and lock it. I sit down on the cold marble floor and start crying. "Why why why, I had such a good future ahead of me". I am sobbing on the floor and my knee is aching. After he put the bandages on it was a bit better since it kept a tight grip around my knee. I slowly got myself back up.

I looked in the mirror and i just stood there for a few minutes. I then went over to the big beautiful shower the shower was marble on the inside. This shower was huge and had a seating area and glass doors. On the side it had the control buttons. Much fancier then the one in my apartment. My apartment is nice but definitely not as fancy as this.

I press the button where it had a shower icon and pressed hot- medium. The shower turned on and hot water started coming out of the shower head. I started taking of my top and my jeans. I unclasped my bra and slide of my underwear. I got into the shower as it hit my cold skin.

Love Lust Lies.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang