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Angels pov
I am screaming trying to get out of the car. My heart pounding my knee hurting my head hurting everything hurts. It feels like it's the end of the world. My body has given up. I pass out.

Toms pov
She screamed for a while trying to get out but she passed out. I kept driving paying attention to the road bobbing my head to the loud bass boosted song playing. I sped down the roads with people moving out of the way for me to sped past them. I make sharp turns and continue speeding down the roads. The boys are behind me following me as we make our way back to the house. We pull into the driveway and the big black gates open. We drive into the big spacious garage and park our cars. I turn off the car and look to the backseat. Angels there lying on the seat passed out. I open my door and get out slamming the door. I walk around to the other side and pick her up. I picked her up and checked her pulse. She was okay just passed out from stress I assume. It was late anyway. I take her out from the car and put her over my shoulder locking the car. The boys get out of there car and walk into the house. I do the same with angel around my shoulder. I walk up the stairs. And through the long hallway. I open the bedroom and place her down on the bed putting her beautiful face onto the pillow and wrapping her body with a blanket. I stare at her for a couple minutes get up and leave.

Angels pov
11am. I start rubbing my eyes as I was waking up to the light from the window again. But this time there was someone in bed with me. Tom. Tom was in bed with me. I quickly jump up but end up falling backwards. Tom gets out of bed and helps me get up. "You should really stop that." He says almost laughing. "It's not really that fucking funny." "You fucking did this to me" he looks at me proudly "Actually you've got yourself into this darling, you came to get drinks with absolute strangers." "How was I meant to know you were gonna be a fucking prick and drug and kidnap me?." He raises his eyebrow and lifts me up and pins me against the wall with all his weight almost squishing me. "You're feisty." He goes to kiss me and I move my face away. He raises his hand and slaps me hard against my face. My face has gotten beaten so much in these two days I can only imagine what it looks like. He lets me go and i fall down to the floor.
I put my hand to my face whining in pain. He looks at me and comes closer and kneels down. "About yesterday. Don't forget you still get punished." I look up at him with tears in my eyes. He goes over to the cabinet and takes out a knife. That's it. He's going to kill me. I start running as much as i can towards the door. And I open the door just in time and drag myself down the long hallway. I wasn't fast enough. He caught up with me and sent me flying into the wall making my whole body feel broken. I started bleeding. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I couldn't fight any longer. I tried kicking him as much as I could but he kept a tight grip around me. "No no no no" I screamed "BILL PLEASE HELP ME" I saw him down the hallway. He didn't move. he didn't try to help. We were getting closer and closer to the door. "Put me down please please let me go" i said with the leftover voice i had. My voice had gone away from all the screaming and crying. We got to the room and the lock clicked. He's going to kill me. My life's over. My life that was just supposed to start. He threw me on the bed and pinned me down. He put all of his body weight on me and started kissing the blood on my neck. I couldn't move. I was frozen. He started kissing my collarbone and started removing my shirt. It took all j had to scream as loud as I could. "NO DONT PLEASE." He stopped and picked up the knife from the nightstand. "If you don't do as I say I will cut you until you behave. ". At this point I didn't even try and fight it. I couldn't. He removed my shirt and unclasped my bra. He kissed down my lower stomach and unbuttoned my jeans. He slid off my jeans and kissed even lower down my stomach. I then tried to kick him in the face and I did it successfully. He held his head for a second. "I warned you." He said in the most evilest tone ever. I couldn't move. He took the knife and moved up to my face pinning me down. He slid the knife down my face and started teasing me with it. I was closing my eyes not wanting to feel anything. I wanted to pass out so he could leave me alone. My heart was pounding and I was breathing heavily. He slid the knife lower and lower. I still couldn't move. Within each second I was getting more and more panicked. I couldn't breathe. He was going to kill me. He then changed the position of the knife and slid it down my wrist. He looked at me. Grabbed my chin and whispered in my ear. "This is what bad girls deserve." He took the knife and sharply cut it with one slide. I let out a whine and started tearing up. It felt like he hit a nerve. My arm was bleeding very badly. He then started kissing my neck again and my lower stomach. He started sliding down my underwear.

Toms pov
Angel was defeated. Her wrists were bleeding but I didn't care. I kissed her neck and her beautiful skinny body. She had the most beautiful hip dips ever. I starting sliding down her underwear when I hear the most faintest little voice say. "Tom" I look at her face. She looks broken. Tears streaming down her face. Her eyes were so sad. I moved my body away. I stood up and took the knife away. I walked over to the cabinet and put the knife in. She didn't move. She didn't even move at all. I walked out of the room. "I am not done with you yet."

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