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I feel as the warm water hits my pale cold skin. I look at the rack on the wall and see "4 in 1 body wash" I grab it and open the cap. I pour it into my hands. I twist the cap back on and place it back on the rack. I put this weird 4 in 1 body wash on myself and start washing myself with it. It smells like men, like when they wear cheap cologne. I continue washing my fragile body with it. The body wash started dripping down my knees and went under the bandage and I started squirming around in pain.

I washed it under the shower head hoping to get some sort of relief from it. I kept thinking about how I got myself into this, how stupid I was to go out for drinks with strangers who I just met and get into their car. I rinsed of the body wash and grabbed a towel from beside the shower. I wrap myself with it and dry myself off. The bandage on my knee is soaking wet and bloody.

I dried it off as much as I could with the towel. I look at my clothes on the counter and pick up my underwear and slid it on. I took my bra and clasped it up. I took a momment to smell the clothes and it reeked of alcohol from yesterday. I still however didn't have any clothes and had no idea where I was. Since I came from an abusive family I've always been scared of being abused again.

I came to Germany to escape that and I was trapped in another nightmare. I put on my red shirt and slipped on my jeans. I looked in the mirror and looked at my completely smeared makeup. I turned on the tap that said cold water above it. I took the water in my hands and splashed it on my face and started rubbing my face trying to get the makeup off. I took my towel and wiped my face with it. However my makeup was even more smeared so I kept doing this until it was completely off.

After I was done I looked in the cabinets and found a hair brush. I took the hair brush and started brushing my matted hair. I was cringing in pain. After I was done brushing my long matted hair I placed the hair brush down on the counter. I slowly went towards the door unlocking it. Shivers went down my spine. I pulled the door handle down slowly and stepped out of the bathroom into the massive bedroom.

He wasn't back yet. I went to go check if the door was opening. I tip toed quietly in case he was behind the door and pulled the handle- it was locked. I started tearing up while going back to the bed. I sat down on the bed and started crying cursing the world. "Why why why why why me?." I wiped my tears in my shirt. I was sobbing.

I hear the lock click and I immediately look to the door. The door slowly slides open. "Hi princess made you some breakfast." I hated that god awful nickname. I looked at him and he was bringing over some eggs that looked unseasoned with some pancakes and syrup. He placed down the plate on the bedside table. He then went to the mini fridge beside the cabinets and grabbed a water.

He came over and gave it to me while slightly touching my hand. Our hands lingered for a second and then he let go. He sat on the bed beside me smiling "Eat. I made it". He says looking at me. My body was so exhausted from not eating for the past two days. I didn't eat all day yesterday and was planning on going home and making some dinner. I pick up the plate and place it down infront of me and start digging in. I ate it in a matter of seconds. When your hungover you can get so hungry especially since i drank on an empty stomach last night. "Guess you were pretty hungry huh.?" He says while grinning. "Yeah I was I mean I didn't eat anything yesterday." I say looking down.

He clears his throat "Now since I see you have already showered and ate you are coming with me now." I look at him hesitant. "Where are we going." I ask as my heart is pounding. "Just some errands." He grabs my chin and pulls me into his face. "Be a good girl for me hmm.?" I pull away cringing.

He grabs my face and slaps me hard across my face. My face turns red and my left cheek starts tingling. "I said behave." He says grabbing my face again.  I sit there in shock. This prick has just slapped me for absolutely no reason. Growing up in an abusive home I knew how to play the game. I needed to escape. For now I was gonna try and "behave".

My face was so sore I was tearing up. I was not gonna let myself cry infront of him. No absolutely not. He grabbed my wrist forcefully and led me to the door. He grabbed the handle and dragged me through the long hallway. This house must have been massive. The hallways were grey walls with pictures up and lights up. There was carpets too which dragged on the bottom of my feet.

My knee was so sore as he was dragging me I was limping. He didn't care he continued dragging me towards the big staircase. When we got to the stair case we stopped and he lifted me by my arms and we go down the staircase the stair case was marble with black railings. And lights at the step under it. The staircase was massive so it takes a couple minutes to get down.

Once we were down I nearly collapse and fall but he catches me- again. He drags me up and we go through these big white doors. As we step into this room I can see this is the kitchen. This kitchen was massive. Theres an Island and barstools and a massive cooking area. My eyes can't handle the bright light from the kitchen. I look over at the barstools and there he is- bill is sitting there. Reading a magazine. "Hi ang" he says with a soft smile. Why do they all use nicknames is something I will never know.

Toms pov
I carry her limp body over to the barstools and sit her down beside bill. Bill looks at me and looks back at angel. I could tell he was looking at the fact her cheeks were red and bruised and her knees were bleeding and bandaged. Bill cleared his throat "So what's the plan for today.?" I look back at him while leaning over the island. "We are just gonna go out." "Could you please take angel out to the car" I could see as she looked at me. Her beautiful eyes blue eyes that remind me of the ocean and sky. Her long blonde hair that bounces as she moves and her perfect pink lips. She had the most gorgeous face I've ever seen.

That's why I wanted her. She needed to be mine. I saw as she looked at me raising her eyebrows. Bill grabbed her by her arms and helped her get up. She got up from the barstool failing to stand by herself. Her knee couldn't be that hurt. I mean sure I hit her pretty hard but her knee couldn't hurt that bad. She was probably hungover. Bill held her as they went out the white doors.

Angels pov
I Look at Bill while we went out the doors. "What am I doing here please let me go." I pleaded. He didn't say anything we just walked until we got to the garage. He opened the garage door and led me inside. The garage was big with at least 10 different cars. I could see bill signal Georg and Gustav as they got into their cars. Bill started dragged me now leading me to a black matte car. This car was absolutely beautiful- but it looked like it kill someone just by driving past them.

He opened the passenger seat door and helped me get inside. I sat inside and put my feet in. He looked at me very seriously. "I wouldn't try to run away. Gustav and Georg are Right in the other car and the garage is locked. Tom will just make it harder for you if you don't behave. Please take my advice." He said while half smiling. He closed the door and I heard a lock click. I was locked in a car again.

The inside was nice. You could see inside the car from the outside at all. The windows were tinted fully black. The inside of the car was black fully black. And there was a nice radio system set up. I sat there for about 5 minutes until I heard the garage door opening and two cars speed off. It was Georg and Gustav speeding off. The sound made me jump. These cars were so loud and fast. Then I heard someone coming from where me and bill came from. I saw Tom coming to my door. 

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