Ms Kaulitz

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I pick up another big piece of glass and raise my wrist and start sliding it across my wrist and doing it faster and deeper. My hearts racing and this is such an adrenaline rush. The blood is dripping down all over the floor as tears from my eyes stream down my face down to my neck. I start to feel faint and drop the piece of glass from my hand. The glass falls from my hand as I fall down to the floor and pass out from blood wrists are burning stinging and flooding blood. There's a massive puddle on blood where my wounded wrist lies.

Toms pov
It's been a while since Angel has been showering and I say goodbye to the boys sitting on the sofa inside. I start to head up the stairs and I don't hear the shower running as I walk towards the bedroom door. I open the door and there no sign of angel or any movement at all. I head for the bathroom bursting the door open. I See angel lying there a massive pool of blood beside her with her wrists cut up. I run over to her and take the towel beside from the counter and wrap it around her wrists. "Oh my god angel what have you done." I am worried for her. I didn't think she would want to end her life. I check for a pulse. Her pulse is weak and she's lost to much blood. I pick her up from the ground and carry her in my arms rushing down the stairs and I quickly shout to the guys. "Angel is bleeding out we need to get to the hospital right now get in your cars."

I shout as I run straight out the door. I open the passenger door panicking she was going to bleed out any second. I hop into the drivers seat and the gate open and I start the car and speed out. I'm speeding down the roads but I can't look back at her I have to focus on the road. My forehead is sweating and glowing in the moonlight as I speed past cars almost smashing into them.

The boys are following me straight behind. We continue going down the road and reach the hospital and I jump out and get angel out of the car and carry her out. I am sweating panicking checking her pulse. Her pulse is getting weaker and weaker as I run Into the hospital as the boys follow behind. I run straight to a nurse. The nurse looks down at her unconscious body and her wrapped bloody wrists. She looks at me and asks "Sir what's the problem?" I shout at the woman in pure panic " She's bleeding out and her pulse is weak please help her now." The woman grabs a hospital bed and I place her down as she makes an emergency call and doctors come running taking her to an operating room straight away. Bill comes up behind me and grabs on my shoulder and I turn around. "What's happened?." With worry in his voice. "She broke the hand mirror and slit her wrists she's bleeding out." I say with absolute panic in my voice. "Oh my god I didn't know she felt that way." Bill said shocked. I remember the night I slit her wrists but it wasn't as deep.

I don't know why this sudden wave of worry was coming over me. I have killed lots of women before and watched them die. Why do I care about her? She's just another toy. A worthless woman.

Angels pov
My eyes flutter open as the bright hospital light hits my eyes. I rub my eyes in attempt to block it out. But I open my eyes to see I'm alive. Last night. The shower the mirror everything. I look at my wrists but they are all bandaged up. There's a needle inside my arm and on my hand. I am in a hospital gown and my hand is also wrapped up from cutting open my hand when holding it.

My hand is so sore and so is my wrists but nothing hurts more then waking up from a suicide attempt. The guilt, the regret and the after affects. I suddenly feel a weird feeling in my stomach and start gagging. I see the things I am hooked up to. I get out of bed quickly and run over to the trash can and hold my hair back. I am so dehydrated from not drinking and absolutely starving from not eating for a while now. I feel faint in my head as I am throwing up my guts. A nurse walks in.

"Oh my god Ms. Kaulitz are you alright? " I look back at her with shock in my face. Ms Kaulitz? "I am sorry my name is just angel." She looks at me with confusion. "Okay angel. Are you alright?" She looks into the bin. "That's normal after being completely dehydrated and not eating for several days. It's also caused by the unfortunate thing that happened last night." I look up at her with guilt and then lower my head down.

"Yeah" I say with a sigh. I slowly get back up. My stomach is better now but everything else hurts. The nurse comes over and helps me get over to the bed. "I am just gonna check if everything's going alright." She checks everything and gives me a big smile. "Everything seems to be going okay!" I look at her with a forced smile. I didn't want to do this anymore. I didn't know how I got to hospital but I haven't seen Tom or the boys yet. Maybe they finally left me. I miss my apartment. My cozy little apartment. The apartment I bought to escape hell and be pulled into another. The nurse looks at me and speaks with a smile "Some doctors are gonna be coming in and out making sure you're okay." "You should be discharged in a day or two if you keep doing this well." I look at her with a smile this time. A day or two? I can totally wait that out no problem. I lay down onto the bed.

"I will be coming back soon to check upon you. There's a button there you can press if anything wrong. Here's a throw up bag incase you need it." "Remember if anything is wrong press that button it will alert a nurse to come in" she says as she's leaving. I lay my head back onto the bed and drift off to sleep.

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