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Angels pov
I can see as the morning light hits my face and I start rubbing my eyes. I cup my hand and put it my face. My face was so sore and had dry blood on it. I look down and I am completely naked other than my underwear last night. My heart drops and I remember last night. I remember his hot breath and his muscular body over me. He nearly raped me last night. I sit up and look around. Toms not in the room. I look beside the bed and all my clothes are beside it. I slowly wrap the blanket around myself and bend down to get my clothes from the floor. I take my bra and slip it on both arms. I clasp it together quickly. I take the red shirt and put it on. I take my jeans and struggle to put them on. I struggle for a while and mange to get them on. I zip up the jeans and button it. I Look in the mirror and see my long blonde matted hair and my beaten up face. I couldn't recognise myself. My eyes were swollen and beaten and my whole face looked like a plum. I put my hand to my face wondering how I could let this happen to me. I start tearing up remembering last night.

The way he slid the knife across my wrist. I look down at my wrist and there was a cut. It looked like it bled for a little while and then stopped. The cut wasn't too deep but it felt deeper than it looked. I slid my fingers across my skin that lay a scar. I start crying hysterically. I Look away from the mirror and look to the door on the other side of the room. I start running towards the door and swing it open. It's open and not locked to my surprise. As I Open it i let out the biggest gasp and a huge smile spread across my face. Could this be my escape? I start tip toeing out of the room into the big hallways. The hallways had a couple rooms I haven't been in and don't want to be in either. It could be one of the boys room and I didn't want them to hear me.

I quietly slid past the doors making my way all the way down. I stop at the stairs. At the bottom of the staircase is the kitchen at the side and the living room on the other and on and on. I would have to get out the front door to make a run for it. But there's a massive gate that goes all around the building. I start tip toeing down the stairs and almost slip and fall. I catch my breath as I continue walking down. I make it to the front door and place out my hand and grab the handle. It's locked. I snatch my hand away from the door and throw myself onto the floor. I start crying loud enough for Tom to hear.

Tom came walking out of the living room looking confused to see me crying on the floor. He came over to me and kneeled down. I was to busy crying. He raised his hands and I flinched and moved backwards covering my face. "I'm not gonna hurt you ang." I look back at him with tears in my eyes. This momment was different. I looked into his beautiful eyes and admired his amazing face. He came closer to me and put his hand to my face and wiped away my salty tears. "Don't cry ang it will be okay." He looked at me like he was worried for me. I came closer to him and put my hands around his muscular shoulders. I wrapped myself around him hugging him tight. He hugged me and rubbed my back while holding my hair. He slowly lifted up my legs and I wrapped it around his perfect hourglass waist.

He stood up and carried me in his arm with my head over his shoulder. We went past the staircase and into the living room. He opened the big white doors and stepped inside while carrying me. My eyes were closed as I was trying to rest so I couldn't see anything. He stopped and I opened my eyes. He later me down onto the sofa gently. Why was he being so nice all of the sudden. I make eye contact with him as I drift of to sleep.

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